Chapter 6

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I wanted to believe that I could be lucky enough to reach his house before it starts pouring down, I couldn't. Because just when I got inside my cab, a roar of thunder echoed in the sky and the car's windows instantly became blurry with thin streams of water. I didn't mind, at first. If anything, it meant that there'd be a slight chance for whatever party they were having getting canceled.

But yet again, my luck was running short. So when I stepped out of that cab, and ran across the pavement of Sanji's massive house under the heavy rain, I was immediately greeted with the booming loud music of its inside.

I sighed, pushing the hood of my hoodie back down and adjusting my hair before knocking. Then I scrunched my face annoyingly and pulled my phone out, because who would hear a knock through that godawful music?

I texted Nami that I was standing at front and shoved my phone back into my jeans, feeling the erratic thoughts in my head stirring with the wind. I needed to sort them, and understand them better because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, and jump into something else on my own without any proof. Not like last time!

I knew myself, and I knew I was smart and careful, but I was also hasty. And whatever has been nagging at the back of my head since today's afternoon couldn't be settled and fathomed unless I talked with Sanji. Because of the way I wrongly misjudged Zoro since the first day I met him, I wanted to slow down this time. Because I really wanted to trust him. So me coming here tonight was only for the sole sake of that.

"Hey!" Nami's beaming and buzzing with delight face welcomed me immediately when the door opened. She instantly moved aside to let me in.

My face furrowed to see better through the dim, long hallway when she closed the door behind me. "Are you okay? You sounded really off over the phone!" She spoke loudly over the music, her eyes scanning my clothes and how I looked, my dark maroon hoodie and jeans. She could clearly tell I wasn't here because I wanted to party with them.

I nodded, then got closer to her and put my hands into my pocket. "I'm okay, but I really need to speak with Sanji!"

Nami nodded, pursing her lips before walking down the hallway. "Well, I told you he's going to be here but I don't think he'll be that much of a help to you." She said as she kept walking, and I kept following her. Through the long hallway and down to a brightly lit door which I guessed was the kitchen. Passing what looked like a living room. A big one, with massive glassy windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. I thought I'd be seeing many people, or what a party would look like. But instead, there were only a few, just like what Nami said. They were sitting down on couches, chairs, some of them laying on the floor, with the music blasting all around. They were clearly shitfaced and too boozed to even realize how loud and annoying that music was.

And that's why I didn't ask for more clarification of Nami and whatever she just said about Sanji. Because based of what I just saw in the living room and when I finally walked into the kitchen, I got my answer.

Sanji was sitting down at a big and round kitchen table, a half lit cigarette in an ashtray in front of him and he was resting his head over his arms on the table.

"Baby..." Nami said as she walked ahead of me and reached him, grabbing him from behind by his shoulders and rubbing them quickly. "Are you with us? There's someone here to see you."

He groaned, then mumbled something I couldn't understand but it made Nami half giggle. "Come on, baby, Kena is here and she needs your help with something!"

Another groan.

"Nami..." I said, titling my head to the side and questioning if it was actually a good idea. I didn't know him, nor these people and I was basically in a stranger's house. And the more I looked at what was in front of me the more I started to realize that this isn't exactly your typical birthday party.

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