Perhaps he had been forgiven.

Carson smiled as Hume opened the carriage door.

"The light is gone, so you can come out now."

"The light is... gone?"

"I saw a compromise."


Russell said, glancing at Carson.

The flicker of unextinguished mana remained.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Lucion asked, Carson still grinning.

"I told you, Cronia's name is expensive."

"You are truly remarkable, First Master!"

Hume said, his voice rising in admiration.

The corners of Carson's mouth turned up slightly at that.

"Aye. You're not a kid and you're not going to get into trouble, so I'm good."

Lucion decided otherwise.

"Yeah. Let's go."

* * *

-It's uncle Troy!

Latta's tail twitched as she walked along happily.

-There's uncle Troy up ahead! Yippee! Latta is already excited!

"Lu, Lucion, he, I mean your brother, is crazy!"

Heint, who had been waiting for Lucion at the entrance, immediately jumped at the sight of Lucion.

"Watch your tongue, Heint."

Carson's eyebrows wiggled.

"You should be careful what you say. For God's sake, you're the only one who's ever unleashed mana with the intent to kill a High Priest. You madman!"

"I didn't draw my sword."

"That's a given...!"

"The one I sold was named Cronia."


Heint smacked me in the forehead with Carson's next words.

-High Priestess. Pray I don't draw this sword, for even if I slit your throat, I, and Cronia, will not disappear.

Throwing away respect and pressuring the High Priest with the threat of killing him if he didn't comply with his demands was called 'blackmail' in the world.

"See, Lucion?"

"That was very brotherly."

Lucion smiled, and Heint looked back and forth between Lucion and Carson with his mouth open.

[They do look alike].

Bethel giggled.

"I didn't go inside, so I don't know what happened. But you made it easy for me to come, and... I have to admit, I'm a little worried."

"Don't worry, Lucion. The barrier of light surrounding the Great temple is up and running again now, and we've compromised to only turn it off when you enter, this place you're in now, and when you leave."

Carson's eyes were slightly harsh as he looked at Heint.

"I'm not that cruel. I just opened a gate to the Great temple, just like I opened a gate to the walls of the Cronia, but I didn't touch the walls of the Great temple."

Knowing how important the walls were to Cronia, Carson didn't even touch the walls of the Great temple.

"If something happens in there, the Great Hall will stand. If it doesn't, then we should drop the 'Great' from the name."

Count's Youngest Son is a Warlock// novel translationWhere stories live. Discover now