Chapter 114

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Russell exhaled deeply.

Lucion had forgotten what his condition had been like before the Great War.

"I know."

Lucion gently set down the contact item.

"I'll get back to you when I've done some more checking, that much I know."

[No. Not that.]

"You mean the light? I'm fine. Didn't you go on a mission instead?"

Lucion's nonchalance made a lump rise in Russell's throat.

[Lucion, you're a warlock. You eat ratzos, the plant of light, in the morning, and breathe light into your bracelets, yes. I get it, you need to build up your light tolerance, but.......]

"Don't worry. At the end here, where it says P.S., it says, 'Don't worry about light allergies. We've got you covered."

Lucion proudly pointed to the very last part of the invitation.

I guess that means I'm ready to go.


Russell sighed again.

I'm not a three-year-old, and I don't believe the story in the PS.

[How can you stop light? Magic? Light dissolves magic. The only thing that can stop light is the same light. You can't use light to stop light].

"Master. It's not finalized yet, so why don't you get your emotions under control?"

Lucion smiled pleasantly, knowing that the only reason Russell was so upset was because he was worried about him.

At that smile, Russell held back his anger and asked, "Is it okay if I say this?

[...Are you going to go even if I say so?]

"It's not finalized yet, Master. If there's no better offer, I'll choose this as my first step into official activities."

Lucion's firm words made Russell blush, but he didn't speak up like he had a moment ago.

Lucion pointed to himself.

"I'm a noble, and this isn't something I can leave to the Krahn like it's an organizational matter, and as my father said, I need someone to back me up."

-Latta hates fighting. You're not fighting, are you?

Latta licked her front paws as the atmosphere grew heavy, and her eyes narrowed.

"No way. I respect you, Teacher."

Russell knew the words were out of his mouth, but a smirk escaped his lips.

He quickly covered his mouth to control himself.

[Lucion, I understand what you're going through more than anyone].

Russell's voice was calm.

Lucion was now Lucion the Noble and Lucion the Hamel of Organization Ale, and he had to drag both of them along with him.

How hard it must be.

[And that he'd choose to be a saint because it was the most fitting thing he'd seen so far. But.......]

Russell looked at Bethel, who put a hand on his shoulder.

[I'm not mad at you like I was earlier, and I'm not trying to be].

[I know, you're worried about the Lucion ball].

[I'm not worried about Lucion, and how can I be when he's willing to jump into the Lair of Light again?]

Count's Youngest Son is a Warlock// novel translationWhere stories live. Discover now