Chapter 179

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<...We took the eastern branch at dawn today.>

Lucion listened to Krahn's report leisurely.

He knew.

The blue thread had been cut as soon as he woke up this morning.

The blue threads are now one in the Anthill and one in the Tower.

The red thread led to Carson and Heint, the Void Hand boss, Sephiroth, who had sent Chelga to frame Asha, Troy, and Jael, and Twelo, the former master who had betrayed Bethel.

And the four red threads that had previously been linked to him and then suddenly disappeared.

"...That's a lot."

Lucion sipped the tea Hume poured for him.

When he woke up in the morning, he thought the mansion he was staying in was different, but it wasn't.

He wondered if someone had drugged him with sleeping pills, or if he had traveled all this way to the East without waking up.

Hume informed me that it was a group decision to move him carefully because they were afraid he wouldn't wake up and disrupt the schedule, but then again, it was funny to think about.

"Good job, Krahn."

Lucion said, stifling a laugh.

<No, there's only one more to go, and isn't the very center of the anthill the place you were hoping for?">

"Because information is always helpful."

<Heroan is the most excited. He could care less about the anthill.......>

"No, I really don't care about that place."


"It's guarded by, like, four people at most."

Bethel spoke up, afraid to let Lucion's words fall.

[I'll take care of the ghosts there too, don't worry].

Bethel cleared the ghosts from the northern, central, and even eastern branches, except for the south.

He didn't want them to come out.

Lucion covered his contact item with his hand for a moment before speaking up.

"I can do it, this is the East."

[No. There's no need to bother with the lord, I'm good enough to go].

Bethel knew Lucion very well now.

If she didn't take care of it, Lucion would make a move, and if Lucion made a move, he'd make a mess and come back, so it was better for her to make the move.

[Then, yes, it's better for Bethel to make the move, and this time, Lucion, there's no reason to be as stupid as you say you are].

Nodding his head in agreement, Russell spoke up.

<...How do you know that?">

Krahn asked in a puzzled voice, and Lucion answered with a knowing look.

"Because I've been there. Anyway, I'm waiting for you in the East, I have some business to take care of."

<You mean the soldier who won't die?

"That's right, and there's another one."

<Is this the owl Peter was talking about?

"Yes. We've got to find it and tangle it up. Don't you wonder how many words it spits out?"

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