Chapter 5

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Shoot, positive.

This can't be happening. What will I tell Theo?

Is there a possibility that he would break up with Ruth for me?

But if he will, it might just wan't the baby.

What will happen to filming?

I should take the second test, then go to my doctor.

I take the second test and shoot, it's positive.

I go and see my doctor for a pregnancy test.

"Woodley, Shailene." A nurse calls my name.

I stand and approach the open door.


I tested positive.

I had two cheep tests from the drug store and an immediate doctors appointment.

So I'm for sure going to have a baby.

Should I het an abortion?

No. I would never kill a new life.

Should I call Theo now?

I will not accept a maybe for an answer anymore.

I call Theo, the phone rings, and when he picks up, my heart races.

"Hello? Shai?" His deep voice comes in my ear, then exits the other.

"Hi, uh Theo?" I struggle to keep my voice from cracking.

"Sorry Shai, could you call later? I'm really busy with Ruth at the moment. Maybe I'll call back in a while."

"No, Theo, this is really important."

"The I should step out of a fancy restaurant I made a reservation with for months for Ruth and I, kind of important?" He pauses for a moment. "I didn't think so."

"But Theo-" And he cuts off the line.

What was I thinking? He would never care if I was pregnant with his baby.

He would never break up his long term relationship with Ruth for me. I'm stupid.



"So, was that Shai?" Ruth interrupts.

"I'm surprised you got her name right." I respond.

She nods, "So, was that her or not?"

"Yes it was her. Now, lets enjoy this wonderful dinner."


To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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