Chapter 12: Warg Attack.

Start from the beginning

"Would you like some stew?" Eowyn asked.

Jon looked at Aragorn who was pouring the stew on the ground, and shaking his head at Jon not to take it. "I think I'm good." He answered. 

Eowyn turned back to Aragorn. "My Uncle told me a strange thing." 

Aragorn stopped dumping the stew to turn back to Eowyn. Eowyn did not notice. "He said that you rode to war with Thengal, my Grandfather. But he must be mistaken." 

"King Théoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time." Aragorn replied. 

Eowyn looked at Aragorn. "Then you must be at least 60." 

Aragorn looked a bit embarrassed.

"Seventy?" Eowyn asked. 

Aragorn shook his head again. "But you cannot be 80!" Eowyn protested.  

Aragorn looked at the ground. "87." He answered.

"87?" Jon asked. "You look great for your age." 

Eowyn realized something. "You are one of the Dunedain. A descendant of Numenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend." 

"There are few of us left." Aragorn confirmed. "The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago." 

"I'm sorry." Eowyn replied. "Please, eat." 

And Aragorn reluctantly continued his meal while she watched him. 

As Jon walked away, he thought of something. "87. Wait till I tell Sansa." He thought. That must've been why Arwen was into Aragorn. They were both incredibly old for their age. 

Around Nightfall, Aragorn sat smoking his pipe and thinking of Arwen. It had been several months now since leaving Rivendell. "The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane. It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart. Go to sleep."  He heard Arwen's voice.

"I am asleep." Aragorn replied as he opened his eyes. Now he was lying on a couch in Rivendell. And he saw Arwen standing over him. "This is a dream." 

"Then it is a good dream." Arwen leaned down and kissed him. Aragorn proceeded to stroke her face and she look at him concerned and then kissed him again. "Sleep."  

Aragorn closed his eyes and Arwen proceeded to stand and move to look out at the gardens. Remembering the peace before the Fellowship set off on their journey. "Minl pendich nin i aur hen telitha." (You told me once that this day would come.) He said.

"I vethed... no i onnad. Boe bedich go Frodo. Han bad len." (This is not the end... it is the beginning. You must go with Frodo. That is your path.) Arwen insisted. 

Aragorn sighed and stood up, walking over to Arwen. "Dolen i ved o nin." (My path is hidden from me.) He admitted. Perhaps because of his destiny to sit on the Throne of Gondor.  

And Arwen knew this too. "Si peliannen i vad na dail len. Si boe dhannathach." (It is already laid before your feet. You cannot falter now.)

"Arwen." Aragorn started to say. But Arwen put her hand to his lips to silence him and moved it down to the Evenstar around his neck.

"Ae esteliach nad... estelio han. Estelio ammen." (If you trust nothing else... trust this. Trust us.) Arwen said to him. Arwen told Aragorn and then they both proceeded to kiss. 

Unfortunately, it was something that Aragorn knew was not going to last long. He had spoken to Elrond as well before leaving Rivendell. "Our time is ending. Arwen's time is ending. Let her go." He requested. "Let her take the ship into the west. Let her bear away her love for you to the Undying Lands. There it will be ever green." 

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