Chapter 11: Enter Gondor.

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Gollum began swimming along in a rocky stream, and was trying to catch a jumping fish, along the Forest of Ithilien filled with the Rocky Streams and Tower Ruins. But the Fish always slipping ahead. With Sam, Frodo, Meera, and Bran following.

"If I didn't know any better, Meera. I'd say this is giving you very good enduring strength." Bran commented. 

"Where is Hodor when I need him?" Meera asked.

"Hey, stinker, don't go getting too far head!" Sam shouted. 

"Hey! I'm right next to you." Bran protested.

"I was talking about that little mutant over there." Sam pointed to Gollum. 

"Oh." Bran said. 

Frodo looked at Sam in disbelief. "Why do you do that?" He asked. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"Call him names. Run him down all the time." Frodo listed. 

"Because." Sam answered. He looked over at Gollum and then back to Frodo. "Because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo. There's naught left in him but lies and deceit. It's the ring he wants. It's all he cares about." 

"Well, I suppose that would explain why he keeps going on and on at night time about his Precious." Meera though out loud.

Frodo looked crossed. "You have no idea what it did to him. What's it's still doing to him." He said walking past Sam and then over to look at Gollum. "I want to help him, Sam." 

"Why?" Sam asked. 

Gollum looked back at Frodo with a grin on his face. 

"Because I have to believe he can come back." Frodo said.

Sam walked to Frodo's back. "You can't same him, Mr. Frodo." 

Frodo turned around to face Sam rather quickly. "What do you know about it? Nothing!" He snapped at Sam. 

Bran and Meera turned around to face the two. 

Sam had suddenly walked past him. "I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know why I said that." 

"I do." Sam answered turning back to Frodo. "It's the Ring. You can't take your eyes off it. I've seen you. You're not eating. You barely sleep. Meera will tell you the same thing. It's taken hold of you, Mr. Frodo. You have to fight it." 

"I know what I have to do, Sam." Frodo shot back. The Ring was entrusted to me. It's my task. Mine! My own!" And he walked past Sam again. 

"Can't you hear yourself? Don't you know who you sound like?" Sam asked in disbelief. 

"Ugh." Meera grunted. She looked at Bran. "We've got to everything, huh?" Then she turned on Frodo and Sam. "We don't have time for any of this. We need to keep moving and not lose our minds." 

"Look. Maybe we should all just stop for the night." Bran suggested.

"Fine." Frodo said.

"Fine." Sam said. 

Later that Evening, Frodo and Sam were sleeping in the night. And Bran was looking at the ruins. "Every step we take brings us closer to Mordor." Meera said to Bran. "I just hope we're going the right way." 

"I'm sure of it, Meera. Frodo's sure of it." Bran assured. He then looked at the Ring that was clutched in Frodo's Hand. For a power like that to be stored into the ring. A fraction of Sauron's Soul." 

"Don't even think about it, Bran." Meera warned. She knew that Bran also desired to try and use his powers on the One Ring. 

"Fine." Bran decided. He then looked at the trees that were next to him. And Bran decided to touch the trees. His eyes glowing white. And through the trees, Bran could see things. A White Tree in a Courtyard of Stone. It was dead. Men in Armor fighting off Orcs in a Ruined City. And a man who looked like Bran's Father standing above the ruins with a Flag. "For Gondor!" He shouted. 

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