A half-hour later, a knock at the door brought my attention away from the financials I was viewing and to the door, saying, "Come in."

I looked out from the corner of my eye when the door opened, and my dick took notice of the beautiful sight entering my office, instantly growing hard. "What do you need, Callum?" Eloise groaned, sounding annoyed I had taken her away from whatever she was in the middle of working on.

I extended my arm to the empty chair in front of my desk. "Sit," I commanded.

Fuck, she smells fantastic—like the ocean waves appearing underneath a beautiful sunrise. With the strong notes of mandarin oranges, bergamot, and jasmine petals filling my office space—the air now smelled just like the fucking heaven we just returned from a few days ago.

She crossed a leg over the other as she sat, folding her hands together and resting them over her knee as her eyes bored daggers at me. "Is there a problem?" she asked, snooty and angry.

I folded my hands together, my forearms resting on my desk, and looked into her heavenly green eyes, allowing my heart to speak for me instead of my mind telling her what I wanted to say. "I've missed you, Eloise."

Her eyes rolled, and she laughed a mocking laugh. "You interrupted me to tell me this? It's been three days since you last saw me. You couldn't have waited to tell me what you wanted to say after work?"

My palms raised in the air as I said, "How could I when you refuse to respond to my emails? I also gave you something of mine that I don't give to anyone, and you never called. So how can I tell you something when you refuse to talk to me?"

Her brows furrowed, and my dick twitched when she angrily groaned, "Why should I have? What reason did I have to call you? What reasons did I have to respond to your emails?" She uncrossed her leg and huffed as she folded her arms against her chest. "Tell me, Callum, because I didn't need to respond to your emails. I did the work you needed and sent them to you. There was no need to put a message inside the emails."

"Why are you angry with me?" I asked calmly, even though I knew why she was. But I had a reason why I asked. I want to hear her get angry with me, snap at me, yell, and see her eyes burst into flames to help ignite the fire smoldering inside me these last few days.

"Do I even have to say?" she asked, looking away from me and at the wall with her chin up.

"Yes," I responded. "I need to hear why you're angry with me this time, so I can explain myself—again..."

Her gaze returned to mine, and she glared into my eyes as she asked, "Why did you transfer, Mason?"

"Because he asked."

Her brows quickly twisted together, and she shook her head in shock. "What? ... when? ... why?"

"For almost a year, he'd been asking to transfer. He put in bids for multiple locations, and as recently as a couple of weeks ago, he put another bid in for my Seattle location. So when we were in Hawaii, and I was notified that my assistant had quit for personal reasons, I immediately thought of Mason and emailed him about it, asking if he was still interested. He instantly returned, saying he'd love to."

She shook her head, looking surprised, and quietly said, "I don't understand."

"Mason is from Seattle. And he wanted to be where his family was."

Her eyes returned to mine. "I know there's more to this story, Callum." Then she angrily pointed her finger at me. "You wanted to get him out of the office because of me," she scowled. "Whether an opening opened or not, you still planned on transferring him somewhere."

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