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"You're indeed alive."

I felt lost and didn't know how I should reply to her. Then, she lunged at me. It was a very weak hug, but I was unable to break free from it.

She cried, asking me not to scare her anymore.

She hugged me tightly and bit me hard on the shoulder.

She kissed my eyes, nose, and lips. Her tears made every kiss salty.

Every kiss made my heart jump. Every kiss made me feel shocked. Every kiss made my heart ache. Every kiss made me sorrowful.

As if ascertaining that I was alive, she pinched my face just like she had done so evilly in the past. Then, she smiled and said, "I'm not mistaken. This is my Irene."

I didn't know what to say or do. She was right before me hugging and loving me, and I was also loving her.

But I knew. No matter how beautiful it was now, everything would disappear into bubbles.

Everything might end the very next second. I might dissipate the very next second.

Yet, Lisa was still immersed in her incomparable happiness. I pushed her to rest on her seat, but she wouldn't let go of my hand no matter what.

"I won't let you go again this time."

I never knew how moving it was to see Lisa lying there obediently with a gentle smile and her eyes full of tears.

She was no longer the cold and charming person. At this moment, another kind of image overpowered, her fragile and heart-wrenching image.

"I always thought you wouldn't leave me." Her voice was so hoarse and every word she said hurt, but she still tried her best to speak.

"You're always by my side, preparing and doing everything for me. Now, I ended up not knowing how to do anything myself and can't live without you... I'm so stupid. Why did I never realize? You have already known and must have been planning this for a long time. You knew that I can't live on if you leave... You're so sly. See, you have gotten the results you want..."

She looked at me and muttered with a smile as tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes.

My heart ached so much, and my tears started falling uncontrollably.

When I was in my soul form, I didn't have any tears. No matter how sad I was, I could only keep it in my heart and was unable to vent.

A dead person could never cry again. That was probably why people wished to die.

"Don't cry Irene-ah..." She heartbreakingly helped wipe my tears when she saw me cry.

"I'm just kidding, don't cry. You didn't do anything wrong. You're very good. It's my fault. Everything is my fault... I'm the sly one. I always knew that you are good to me, so I took advantage of you and felt that you will still treat me well even if I don't do anything..."

"I won't be like this anymore. I will treat you well. I will cherish you and take care of you, so don't cry. Geuraedo stay, stay with me...  Irene, Irene?"

I heard her calling me. It wasn't so clear when I first heard it, but the fear in her voice made me open my eyes. I saw her wanting to wipe my tears, but I couldn't feel her touch.

I lowered my head to look at my hands. They were starting to turn invisible.

My god... Right before her? ...How cruel!

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