Chapter Five

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Harry walked downstairs to find Ron Weasley. Harry Potter's best friend. And Hermione Granger. Harry Potter's sensible friend. She was a bit of a know-it all. They seemed to be fighting. "Harry!" Ron shouted in greeting waving his arm foregoing his fight with Hermione. "Hey Ron, Hermione." Harry replied waving back and walked over to them.  "Hello Harry." Hermione said coolly throwing Ron a dark look while holding a cat. "Did you see the the Daily Prophet clipping. We went to Egypt. It was bloody amazing."  Ron said beaming while eagerly waving a clipping of the Daily Prophet in front of Harry's face. It was impossible for Harry to not smile when he seen Ron so happy.. It was then an owl seemed to fly in and land near Harry's table. It was a stunning black eagle owl. Harry didn't remember to why an owl was sent to him, till it hit him. Malfoy. He had already finished Malfoy's essay and had completely forgotten about it. "Mate who would send you an owl." "Oh... it was nothing... important." Harry said as he took the parchment from the owl. He was surprised there were two pieces of parchment tied to the owl. He took both of them out and stuffed them in his jacket pockets.

"Harry, who would want to write to you?" Hermione said before her eyes widened and stuttered "I-I mean I d-didnt know you were contacting anyone." "It's fine Mione. I know its not what you meant." Harry said waving her off. "Harry, how and why are you even here in the first place. I know you didn't come with the Weasleys. What happened?" Hermione asked changing the subject. "Yeah, mate. What happened?" Ron asked shoving his face with Bertie Botts Beans he had been hiding in his pocket. Harry explained how he blew up Marge while Ron was trying not snicker and Hermione giving him a disapproving look. The day flew by swiftly. Harry and Ron goggled at the new Firebolt on display. Hermione disappeared into Flourish and Blotts while Ron went to get ice cream with Harry. And there was the occasional Fred and George mischief. All in all, Harry enjoyed today and was walking up to his room with a yawn.

He closed the door behind him as he sat down on a chair. Harry removed his jacket and two pieces of crumpled parchment fell out. God. How could I forget. Malfoy. He thought as he undid the first one. It was the essay. It was half written and was about the basic theory behind basic jinxes. Malfoy's essay wasn't bad. But his handwriting was amazing. It did make Harry feel slightly self-conscious about his own spider scrawl as compared to Malfoy's.  The second parchment however contained a letter.


I decided that I might die of boredom cooped up in the manor so I decided to write to you. Don't think much of it though. I want to ask you some questions. If you want to you can meet me at Fortescue's on the 27th. I doubt you have ever been to Knockturn Alley, so I might as well show you the wonders of  the Evil Side.

Yours insincerely,
Draco Malfoy

Harry couldn't help it. He laughed. Malfoy had to be the most petty person to exist on the planet but he was also very interested in meeting him again. Harry blamed it on his own boredom. Did he really live in a manor? He would hate to admit this but he wanted to ask Malfoy a few questions as well and Knockturn Alley sounded very interesting. He could have something to lord over Fred and George. He had to hide his scar though. Now, how do I do that. Hmm, maybe... yes, I know. Harry dived for his trunk and dug in deep. He eventually found what he was looking for. A small container of concealer.

It was a dark summer night. A cool breeze entering the room making Harry shiver slightly.. Vernon had gone out with Petunia and Dudley for a fancy dinner with Marge at an expensive restaurant.  God, I am starving. Ugh. Stupid door won't budge. I need something to unlock it. Aha. Harry picked a tooth out of his comb. He didn't even know why he had it but it worked. With a bit of careful picking he unlocked the main lock. He then twisted the handle and the door opened slowly with a creak. He made his way downstairs carefully as to not wake up Ripper. Marge's nasty dog. It was sleeping on the carpet at the end of the staircase a puddle of drool escaping his mouth. Harry blanched and walked around it quietly. He succeeded too. He made his way into the kitchen and stole a few muffins. It wasn't enough but it would stop his stomach grumbling.  He wolfed down the food as quickly as possible careful not to leave any crumbs on the floor.  It was then he heard the front door open. They were home. He could here Vernon's loud bellows and he seemed mad. Damn his bad luck.

"The damned bratty waiter. Doesn't he know the most important people need to be served first. I bet he did it on purpose. Serving those bleached blondes first. You agree with me don't you Pet, Marge." Harry heard Petunia's simpering voice reply, "Yes, of course, Vernon darling and that man's hair. It was long. Hmph. Atrocious honestly." "Oh come of it, Vernon. They just scream We are rich and busy. Make it quick and they had a son about Dudder's age. It would be lovely if they were both friends. Don't you think Dudley. He looks like he goes to Smeltings."  At least Marge had the 0.1% of common sense.

Harry ducked behind the counter as the quartet passed the kitchen and into the living room. Now was his chance. He ran out the kitchen and up the stairs and was about to enter Dudleys's second room at the far end of the hallway when he heard loud thumps up the staircase and heard Vernon's bellowing voice climbed the stairs. "Just a minute Marge, I want to show you the successful contracts. I am bound to get a promotion soon."  Harry cursed his bad luck and dived into Vernon and Petunia's bedroom. The closest one to him. His head swiveled left and right frantically searching for a place to hide. He had never been in their room before. They didn't allow him in because they were afraid a freak like him would steal something. He hid behind Petunia's vanity. And this may have been the only time he thanked the heavenly lords for his short and thin stature making it easier for him to hide behind it.

Vernon entered the room and looked around. Harry placed a hand over his mouth to cover his breathing. He still had scars from the time of the Dobby accident. He didn't want to know what would happen when he was caught hiding in the their bedroom. He heard Vernon shuffle about and pull out a slightly worn briefcase. He heard the shuffling of papers and the heavy footfalls signaling his leave. Harry gave a huge sigh of relief and relaxed his tense posture. He slowly crawled out from his hiding spot and then it hit him. This was Vernon and Petunia's bedroom. This was Vernon and Petunia's bedroom. This is Vernon and Petunia's bedroom. And Harry was not going to loose the opportunity to snoop around.  It was a stupid and idiotic idea but you never know what you can find.

Harry walked up to the vanity and opened the drawers. It was filled with fake pearls and tacky jewelry. Harry couldn't help but scoff. And here I thought you had better taste in jewelry. I have better taste in jewelry and I'm male. He opened a pouch hidden in the far back of the drawer. And to his pleasant surprise he found  £100. This would be useful. He opened another drawer and found bottles of perfume and makeup. They looked expensive too. He heard  Petunia's shrill voice walking up the stairs. "Just a moment Diddy darling. I have to check on the freak, make sure he is still in his room. Harry hastily closed the drawers and pocketed the £100 note. In his haste he knocked over a container of Merlin-knew-what and only caught it thanks to his seeker reflexes. He dashed down the hallway and into his room. He opened the door with ease and hid the items under the loose plank in his room. He landed on his bed and pulled the sheets up to his face and pretended to be asleep.

"Freak why  is the door unlocked." Petunia's shrill voice sounded as she opened the door and peered in. Harry did his best to fix a drowsy expression on his face and looked up at her. "The door was open. Damn. I could have escaped then." "You will have done no such thing. You hear." "Yes, Aunt Petunia." Petunia closed and locked the door with a loud hmph and marched down stairs as fast her horse legs could take her.

Harry quietly opened the loose plank and pulled out the bottle he has accidently-kinda-on- purpose stolen. It was a bottle of concealor.

Harry snickered at that stupid memory. That was the only time he came close to a heart attack. This concealor would help him hide his scar. He placed it on his nightstand and crawled onto his bed. Tomorrow he was meeting Malfoy. Willingly.

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