Mercury: And let me guess, we're going to broadcast this live to all of Remnant. Basically send them a message that the Black Arms are back and are here to rule Remnant once again, right?

Alistair: Indeed.

Emerald: And do we even have the bombs?

Alistair: Yes we do.

As he gestures to the back where a bunch of Black Arms Soldiers load up all the bombs in the trucks. 

Alistair: These bad boys ain't like the bombs Atlas makes, these things will pack quite a punch and can destroy a couple of blocks in the city. Once that happens we make our debut and reek havoc in the city, show them that the Arcadians can't protect the people of the 4 Kingdoms.

Cinder: And what of Jaune Arc? Surely he has something planned for this Alistair?

Alistair: I looked through the files that Shorty gave me and so far their forces are spread out. Majority of them are in Mt. Glenn and in the outskirts of the city. Only small battalions are stationed in the city, they decided not to go with the Atlas approach.

Mercury: By Atlas approach, you mean having all their ships hovering around the city like we are to take over the Kingdom.

Alistair: Exactly.

Black Arms Officer: What of the White Fang? Surely a few of their members still remain and what happened to Adam Taurus and Roman Torchwick?

Mercury: We investigated that little raid the Arcadians did, found that both Taurus and Torchwick have been captured, same goes for the entire White Fang Vale branch.

Emerald: And that display of Mt. Glenn already told us that the White Fang Taurus stationed in the caves are all dead.

Cinder: It does not matter, we never really had a use for them. As for Torchwick, we will see what we can do with this. Before the Arcadians came, our originally plan is to have him be captured by the Atlas Soldiers and now with this, I believe we'll have to change our plans.

Alistair: Indeed.

As he all looks at the people in the table.

Alistair: You all know what to do, and I expect you bring in your end of the deal. Got it?

He is speaking to the Black Arms Officers as they nod. All of them left the table to do their own business. Mercury on the otherhand leaves the Docks, he makes his way to the streets of Vale and reaches one of the safehouses as he uses the secret knock to let them know that he is friendly.

There are also knocks to let them know that the enemy is forcing them to open the door.

The door opens as Mercury makes his way to one of the rooms in the safehouse, the room having one big TV screen and a chair, this room is used for meetings as Mercury takes a seat and began pressing a bunch of buttons on the console. The screen opens up and shows Jaune Arc in his Office.

Jaune: Ah, Mercury. If you are in the safehouse, I take if you here are to report something with grave importance, yes?

Mercury: Yup, and don't do that theatrics bullshit with your speeches, Jaune. You sound like something from a medieval fair.

Jaune: Fair point, so what do you have for us?

Mercury: The Legion of Black Arms Soldiers that our good ol' Uncle Vlad sent have arrived. Alistair plans to place bombs all over the City, once that happens, he'll commence his attack.

Jaune: And do you have the locations of the bombs?

Mercury: Yes, thanks to those eye contacts you gave me. I was able to scan the whole map with their exact locations marked. Be advised, they'll have hostages around the bombs.

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