Visiting A Village

Start from the beginning

"Yona covered her face with the hood of her cloak. The wagon passed and for a short heart stopping moment their was nothing but the clanging of the horse's hooves. Once the wagon was out of ear shot Yona turned toward Hak. "Hak your injures haven't healed yet. You can't carry me for the whole journey.

Besides, I want to see this kingdom with my own eyes." Hak huffed. "Ok fine. Don't let your guard down. As I mention earlier, it may appear peaceful, but...." Hak stopped speaking when he noticed Yona was no longer standing in front of him. Yona had dragged Yun over to a field where a large shape sat in the middle.

"Hay, Yun, what is that?" She asked pointing to the shape in the distance. Yun looks over at it with squinted eyes. "It's a huge water wheel! I've never seen one that big!" Yun explained surprised by his new discovery. Yona turned toward me them looked backs at the field. "What is that?" She continued pointing to the fields.

"Wheat, and some rice, too. This area is under the capital's protection. Most of the food you ate at the castle was probably produced here." I answered. Yona looked at me surprised. "How do you now that?" I shrugged. "I use to live here......." I mumbled lightly Yona looked at me sadly.

"Father and I ran a blacksmith shop all five of my daggers based on the creation myth were made my me, my father or both of us together. Most of the swords and other daggers and even some axes and throwing knifes, were sent to the capital for the guards and soldiers, But we had bad business because the king didn't like weapons. But the capital was still our best buyer." I ranted on.

We had made it to the village, we all sat inside a little restraint as we looked at all the brand new supplies we had just bought in the market here. We sat at a rectangular table Yun sat to my right and Yona sat to my left. Hak sat across from me. I laid my head down on the table top tired, walking for so long was tiring.

"We have most of the thing we need. But we don't know how long we'll need to stay in the mountains. I guess I'm a little uncertain." Yun says debating wether we had enough supplies, guilt hit me square in the stomach, they had bought me a pillow, blanket and a little mattress, just because I had wanted it, I hadn't even asked for it they said they saw it in my eyes.

I told them no, that I didn't need it, but Yona only told me that every kid needed to be a little spoiled. I didn't want to be spoiled but, not when Hak agreed to carry it in his bag and lug it around for me, thankfully the mattress was in a bag and foldable, The pillow was a burden but, it was big and fluffy, full of goose feathers, but the blanket was easy as well.

But my items putting more weight on Hak's back made me feel awful. "Yeah...." Hak said agreeing with Yun bringing me back from my thoughts. "Hak is something wrong? Did you forget to buy something?" Yona urged. Hak looked at her, Yun them me. "No....."He sighed.

"You can go, I'll wait here with Yun and May." Yona continued in an almost whispered voice as she looks at the nearest table. Yun nodded. "It's probably fine. From the looks of things, the village doesn't seam the have dangerous connections." Yun inferred. Hak looked down at the streets that were empty and turned back to us.

"Run at the slightest sigh of danger. We'll meet out side the village...." Hak reported deciding to leave. "By the big tree, right? We know." Yun confirmed.
I didn't bother to mention that running at the slightest sight of danger would cause attention to us and would make us seem suspicious.

Hak walks off into town. We all get up from our table as well and begin to wonder the streets. As we walked we saw men in Fire Tribe uniforms walking a few feet in front of us, thankfully we were in an ally and Yun notices them. He grabbed me and Yona's hand "Hurry this way!" He cried and dragged up down the ally into
A small nook.

A Fire Tribe man looked down and ally as I slipped into my hiding place. "Hey!" He called. I cupped my hands over my mouth to cover a fearful sob, he saw me! He had to of seem me, the timing was to close. Who else could it be? As I was about to stand up and reveal myself to the man so I wouldn't put Yun and Yona at risk, a villager, came into view I realized in relief that the village man had been who the Fire Tribe soldier had called for, not me. The two men met.

"Hello, when did you return from Kuuto?" Asked the villager. "Just now." the soldier answered. "Really?!" The villager said shocked. The two began to walk away their voices slowly disappearing. Once they were gone we all sighed out with relief and I moves my hands away from my mouth.

Suddenly a hand cupped Yona's mouth I whip my head around to he Hak I huffed out with relief. "Be quite princess." Hak told Yona, we all left and ended up sitting under the big tree we all planned to meet under if an emergency happened. "I'm sorry I was carless. I shouldn't have left you three alone." Hak said as silence ringed.

I looked up at Hak tears in the brims of my eyes I was so scared, "It's not your fault...." I mumbled to him. Hak bent down and patted my head smiling at me. I hugged him for a quick moment them let him go. "Besides we weren't completely defenseless. I had my daggers, I could hold my own in a. one on one or even one on five battle.

I could of protected the three of us from one or two people at once, but no more." I reported rubbing the tears out of my eyes. Hak nodded. Night quickly came as we began to walk and we all quickly set up camp about 100 to 300 miles from the village we went to and I feel asleep on my new mattress, pillow and blanket.

Of course the mattress was huge so I shared with Yona and even Yun fit. It wasn't a tight squeeze either. It was great, maybe the mattress was a lot bigger them I thought. We all quickly fell asleep.

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