Dream Professor Pt. II - K. MJ x Reader

Start from the beginning

Professor Kim suddenly walked up to me, handing me her phone. "Let's exchange numbers to avoid this issue in the future. I'm sorry I got so worried about you," she awkwardly told me, trying to avoid eye contact.

I sighed in frustration a bit but grabbed her phone and saved my number.

"Thank you," Gyosunim whispered once I returned her.

"Please put your things down and come eat dinner with me. I didn't mean it when I asked you to move out. I'm sorry about that. I'll wait for you at the dinner table," Professor Kim said in a bit of a sad tone. She then left the room.

I sighed in frustration and threw all my things on the bed.

I knew that if I left.... I'd go back to suffering more than I already was.

"Fuck!" I whispered to myself, trying to hold back my tears.

One of the reasons I never took help from anyone...... was because.... they'd act as if I owed them or take their help back the moment I became an inconvenience.

But Gyosunim was the first one to ever apologize for speaking out of anger.

Usually, my pride would get I the way and I'd leave anyway. Trying to convince myself that I'm better off not bothering anyone or telling myself that I wasn't going to wait until they tried to kick me out again.

But even after two weeks... Professor Kim didn't seem to expect anything from me. She was just worried... that's why she got upset.

I took a deep breath to get a hold of myself then walked over to the kitchen to eat dinner.

"Is it okay if I asked where you were?" Professor Kim suddenly asked me as we ate.

"Umm yeah. I was at a job interview," I answered her.

"Did you get the job?" She followed up.

"Yes," I whispered.

"Good. Congratulations," She whispered back.

For the rest of the night, we ate dinner in silence. After we ate, I washed the dishes and put away the leftover food.

"I will excuse myself now," I bowed at Gyosunim.

"Not so fast!" She sternly spoke before I could retreat to my room.

"I collected all your missing work from all of your professors. I need you to at least complete two assignments before heading to your room. So, please... take a seat," Gyosunim coldly order.

"Dammit!" I whispered under my breath before taking a seat.

"That's what you get for skipping classes for so long," Professor Kim hissed back.

I began to do my work while Gyosunim cleaned around the house. Two hours later, I was finished with my first assignment.

"Umm Gyosunim, can you check my work? I want to make sure I get the best possible grade I can get... to make up for all my lost points," I awkwardly requested.

"Yes, of course!" Profesor Kim exclaimed before seating across the table from me and reading my essay.

I nervously watched as she read my essay, waiting for her to tell me that I had made a mistake.

Suddenly, Professor Kim started to get red. She then got up and walked over to me to kiss my forehead. "It's great," she whispered before heading to her room.

- Minji POV -

I had missed Y/n's writing.

"'Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!', The most poetic way to describe the detrimental trauma the past has created.

What was once great, can't be great forever. What was once happiness can bring great despair.

If you ask me, life can't be one or the other. Without misery, we can't appreciate joy, and without joy, we can't see the importance of suffering,"

"Always so pessimistic," I giggled to myself as I continued to read Y/n's essay in my bed.

"Only you could make someone believe that suffering is a good thing," I whispered to myself as I thought of Y/n-ssi.

I had been reading Y/n's essay over and over again.

I really missed her writing.

A few hours went by before I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Umm, professor, can you check my other assignments!?" Y/n-ssi yelled through the door.

I quickly got up to open my door and I don't know why... but just the sight of her made me want to kiss her.

"Did you do all of your assignments?" I asked once I saw all her work on the dinner table.

"Yes," Y/n softly replied.

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "Good job!" I whispered.

I was about to sit down at the table and check her work when Y/n suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Professor, why do you keep kissing me?" She shyly asked.

I could see Y/n's cheeks getting red and she seemed really nervous.

"Because I like you," I answered honestly.

"But, I know me liking my student is inappropriate. So, I will stop. Don't worry," I assured her.

"Don't," Y/n-ssi whispered.

"Pardon?" I asked.

Suddenly, Y/n stepped up to me and cupped my face. Before I knew it, Y/n's lips were pressed against mine.

"Don't stop kissing me," Y/n whispered against my lips.

"I won't," I whispered back as I pulled her by the hips.










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