Dream Professor - K. MJ x Reader

Start from the beginning

All the staff in our department had agreed that Y/n-ssi had a way with words.... and I couldn't deny that I had gotten a bit of a weak spot for Y/n because of it.

After that day, Y/n-ssi never returned to class.

"Can I have the address to Y/n's home? She's missed my class for 3 weeks. I want to check in on her before I make the decision to drop her from my class," I told the admin in our department.

I had emailed Y/n-ssi and attempted to call her as well but I never got a response. I was getting worried.

"Oh, Y/n-ssi hasn't attended your class either?!" Another professor in my department exclaimed.

"Umm, yes, she's been absent for a few weeks now," I answered him.

"Here's the address, Minji-ssi," The admin suddenly interjected, handing me a note.

I quickly read the address off the note then tossed it in the trash.

In no time, I was at the front door of Y/n-ssi home.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this. Is this even appropriate for a professor to do?" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the front door opened and I was face to face with a couple and two young kids.

"Oh, sorry. Have you been waiting at the door for long? How can I help you?" A kind woman asked.

"Sorry. I was about to knock... but I'm looking for Y/n-ssi," I answered her with a small bow.

"I'm sorry, but no one by that name lives here," The woman replied.

"What?!" I thought to myself.

I awkwardly began to laugh then bowed as I apologize, saying... "I'm sorry. I must have gotten the wrong house!"

"I swear it was the right address!" I kept on thinking as I drove back to the school.

"YOU GAVE ME THE WRONG ADDRESS!" I yelled at the admin as soon as I got back to the school campus.

"No, I didn't. That is the address we have on file. See!" The admin responded as she turned to show me her computer.

"Wtf!" I whispered under my breath.

For the rest of the afternoon, I couldn't stop thinking about why Y/n-ssi would lie about her address.

"Maybe she recently moved?" I thought to myself as I waited at a red stoplight.

For whatever reason, my eyes got caught by a dark figure in an alleyway. It seemed like they were trying to break into a closed coffee shop.

I abruptly turned into the alleyway and flashed my high beams at the culprit. I got out of my car, yelling.... "Breaking and entering is a crime. If you don't want me to call the police then I suggest you run!"

At this point, I couldn't tell who the culprit was.... but once they spoke... my heart sank to my stomach.

"I'm just hungry. If you're so damn worried about me breaking in, then buy me some damn food," The familar voice coldly spoke.

The person then turned to glare at me, and it made me feel even worse.

It was Y/n-ssi.

"Don't you have food at home?" I sternly asked.

"My home is the streets. So, if you don't mind. I'm trying to get some dinner!" Y/n-ssi responded as she continued to try to open the loosened window from the coffee shop.

I sighed in frustration with myself once I had a realization.

I hadn't read between the lines of Y/n's "impossible dreams essay".

"You're hungry. Fine!" I abruptly blurted out, then dragged Y/n-ssi into my car.

I then raced down the streets to get to my house.

I didn't even know what I was so angry about. I just knew I was.

I parked in my parking garage then dragged Y/n-ssi all the way up to my apartment.

I was so mad that I didn't even let Y/n take off her shoes. I just dragged her in and said, "This is where you will sleep from now on, and there's always food in the kitchen. So, never go around breaking into places again!"

"I'm good. I don't need your pity," Y/n-ssi heartlessly responded.

Y/n then started to walk out of my apartment.

"WALK OUT THAT DOOR AND I'M CALLING THE COPS FOR BREAKING AND ENTERING!" I unconsciously yelled, wanting to stop Y/n-ssi from leaving.

"YOU DRAGGED ME IN HERE!" Y/n yelled back.

"That's... that's not what I meant. You idiot," I sighed a bit before chuckling.

"Oh... right," Y/n-ssi awkwardly replied.

"At least stay for dinner. You said you were hungry. Let me make it up to you for.... you know... kidnapping you," I awkwardly requested.

"Yeah... as a professor... you probably shouldn't shouldn't say that you kidnapped one of your students," Y/n-ssi attempted to joke.

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't" I chuckled.

Y/n-ssi took a deep breath and looked around my place for a moment. "Alright... just because I'm hungry," She finally answered me.

- Y/N POV -

While eating dinner with Professor Kim, I didn't really know what to think of it all.

I was honestly waiting for her to say the wrong thing or disappoint me in some way.

Everyone I ever knew had always disappointed me... why would Professor Kim be any different.

"So, how long have you been like this?" Professor Kim suddenly asked.

"None of your business," I coldly responded.

Gyosunim sighed, then continued to eat her food.

"There's a spare room for you, and I always have food in my fridge. You don't have to return to classes if you don't want to.... but I want to make your impossible dream come true," Gyosunim suddenly spoke again.

I took a deep breath in frustration.

"You told me to re-write my essay. Now you want to make my dream come true? I'm sorry but I'll pass... I don't want charity from someone who dismissed my lifelong dream just because she didn't know what my reality was really like!" I raised my voice at her.

"I can find my own roof and protect myself from the rain. Thanks!" I added as I abruptly got up from my seat.

I quickly grabbed all my things then started to head out of my Professor's house.

"That's not the dream I want to fulfill!" Gyosunim suddenly yelled.

I stopped in my tracks for a moment as Professor Kim stood up from her dinner table. She walked over to me then grabbed a hold of my chin.

"That's not the dream I was talking about," She coldly spoke.

Suddenly, Professor Kim leaned in and pressed her lips on mine.









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