the party

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To his bathroom, type looked himself at the mirror to be playing with his hair to have his eyes peered up to keep fixing it in different ways to then have his head shoved forward a bit. He then turned to look over tharn who then stepped away to eye himself with his hands to his styled hair to smile here and there. Types eyes narrowed to then turn fully to really eye over tharn.
"You have your own bathroom, why are you in here?"
"Your mirror is bigger and better."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to sign.
"Damnit tharn..... You messed up what I was trying to do here."
Tharn peered his eyes to type.
"Your hair looks great."
"I can do better. Really want to impress Dr. Thera tonight."
Tharn made a face to then look back to the mirror to sign.
"Mm... Should have thought of that before you chose what you did."
Type turned to watch tharn go to then turn back to eye over himself.
Making a face he gave up on his hair to then go to his room to go to his dresser then cloest to grab some clothes to take them to his bed to lay them out to dart his eyes about with a grimance.
Tharn then came back in to eye over type.
"What.... Are you doing?"
Type placed his hands to his neck to rub has he looked over his clothes.
"Trying.... To figure out what to wear. I really want tonight to go well."
Tharn signed to go in to look over his attire to grab some things to then go about to hang it to him with a face.
"This should be better."
Type turned to eye over it to then grab to eye over tharn.
Tharn shook his head to then turn to leave.
"Need to place out the food for this."
Type watched him leave to then shrug to go to his bathroom to change.
What is up his butt?
Type rolled his eyes to get changed to then go out to clean his mess to then close his door to place a note to it, to not enter, to then go to the kitchen to help tharn with everything to see he had an attitude to not go into it tonight, he needed to get his mind wrapped about the doctor.
Getting everything set up, the two couldn't really talk has people started to come about there big place.
Has things started to go off, type kept his eyes open for the doctor to sign here and there has he talked to his friends has the doctor did not make her appearance.
After a bit, type looked to the clock which read 8 to make a face.
She's not going to come type, if she was she would have been here.
Growing sullen, it then quickly turned to a bit of aggravation.
Type had moved about to go to the table fill of drinks to see the doctor there next to tharn to be laughing. Type took in a deep breathe to then go over there to eye them.
"Hello Dr. Thera, when did you get here?"
"Just a bit ago. Came over here to get something to drink and your roommate here, we've been talking."
Type looked over tharn.
Tharn turned his head with his drink.
"About my art and things. Haven't been talking long. Mm....I need to mingle though."
Tharn then went about to have gone to types ear.
"Didn't have the chance to text you sure was here. Go...... For it."
Type turned his head to watch tharn leave to tilt his head a bit.
Why did he sound like that? What's with the tone?
Type rolled his eyes to then look to the Doctor who was eyeing over something to eat.
"So..... How do you like the party?"
"Seems cool. You really did invite a lot of people from our office "
"That I did."
Type took a step forward to then pour him something to drink for the courage.
"So... How long have you've been a doctor again?"
"A few years. How long you've been a nurse."
"A few years too."
"Have you've thought about becoming a doctor?"
"I'm fine with being a nurse "
Dr. Thera made a face to then nod to then grab something to eat, type started to click his teeth together to drink to then move a bit closer.
"Well.... Other then this party, I was hoping, maybe we could go out some time."
Dr. Thera signed.
"I..... Don't really mix my work with my personal life. Like..... You have."
"I only was with a few, everything ended quite well on good terms. Haven't really...."
The doctor looked to type.
"Listen, your a nice guy and your....."
"I'm what?"
"This just won't work okay. Please stop trying to go after this."
Types Lips parted to then watch the doctor turn to leave to then turn his head to then down his drink to then grab another. He was starting to become very envious of tharn, given him and the doctor seemed to be getting along so well and yet when he tries this happens.
By 12, type was to the wall to have his head hung a bit to be eyeing into his cup has he was feeling the alcohol with a face.
Tharn across the room was laughing and loud has his friend said something funny to then see another friend run to the television to turn it on for the count down.
Tharn then looked for type to make a face has he saw him to the wall looking very rejected. He then looked about the people to see the doctor he knew type liked with a few people to be laughing.
Tharn Furrowed his brow has he knew what possibly was to happen.
He then looked about has the count down happened to be everyone either kissing or hugging, a guy went up to tharn to smile for him to shake his head to then go through the people to then go to type who keep his head hung.
" year tharn."
Tharn looked over type has he downed his drink to then wobble to the side for tharn to then take his hand to place it to his wrist to go to his ear.
"Don't tell me you plan on keep drinking?"
Type took his wrist back to then go to the table to then place more of his alcohol in his cup. Tharn looked to him to shake his head.
Guess..... He really likes her...... Just like....
Tharn made a very hard face to grit his teeth to then get back at the party.
Once everyone started to leave, tharn waved then off to then turn his head has he heard loud noises coming from the kitchen, he then saw the last party goer leaving to then go to the kitchen to eye about to look to the floor to then shake his head.
Type was to his knees to have his head hung to sign.
'what are you doing type?"
"Trying to.... Clean....too.... Dirty in here." He slurred out.
Tharn rolled his eyes to laugh to then go to type to place one of his arms about his shoulder to then lift him up to take him to his bedroom.
"Okay, that's enough drunky. "
Type sputtered.
"It's dirty!"
"I'll clean. You need to go to bed."
"Ugh...... Why did she even come tharn?"
Tharn signed.
"Think to have fun."
"Yeah..... Fun with the gay...."
Tharn made a hard face.
"Type...... Don't get mad at me since it seems she's not interested in you."
Type groaned.
"Just not fair......."
Tharn moved to place type to his bed to look him over.
"Unfortunately life's not fair "
Tharn turned to start to leave to go and clean.
"I........ Really like her..... Want to date Make..... Love to her.... Been.....too long....."
Tharn balled up his fists to hang his head to dart his eyes and hard at the ground, he then slowly moved his head up to eye over the opened door to have an idea cross his mind to then shut the door to take in a deep breathe in has the alcohol and what your just said control his behavior to turn to start to go back to type.
"Mm.... Can't have that..... Now can we?"

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