PART 1: Chapters 29 - 35

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● 29 

Daphnée recited table five’s order to the bartender, then motioned toher empty glass set against the register.

“Hit me first.”

Another one?” The bartender laughed. “Girl, you’re gonna be plastered.”

“Fuck you, André. Drinking’s the only way I can stand your dumb ass.”

Hey,” André raised defensive hands, “no need to get nasty. Jesus, I was just teasing.”

“Yeah, well, don’t.”

He mixed her another Stoli-tonic, shaking his head.

“You’re in a shitty mood tonight.”

Daphnée lit a cigarette, debating whether or not to do another bump of the blow she’d bought from Fat Nick earlier. She decided to wait a little longer.

André finished pouring her order and Daphnée transferred the drinks onto her tray, then took them to the table. Everyone around her seemed to be talking about the coming hurricane. She looked at the Select’s courtyard across the street, the ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise’ counter where Adel and Seb had gone to order some food. Then she glanced at her wrist again. The spot where Lili’s bracelet used to be—the reason why she was in such a foul mood. Daphnée had no idea how long it’d been missing. Couldn’t believe she hadn’t felt it coming off. Too much on her mind, she guessed. She’d looked all over the bar for it, but no luck.

It’s probably at the house. You’re worrying for nothing.

She returned to the counter, picked up her burning cigarette from the ashtray and took a drag. In her mind, she saw Lili walk into l’Oubli at the end of her shift three and a half years earlier, handing her the small gift-wrapped box. Daphnée felt tears coming to her eyes. She dragged hard on her cigarette, then headed for the bathroom, blowing her smoke out.

Fuck waiting. She was going to do that line right now.

● 30 

Adel and Seb got off the main road in Anse des Lézards, turning away from the water to bump along the dirt driveway that led up to Seb’s house. The dogs barreled down to greet them, barking their heads off in the bouncing headlights. Leading the pack was Kali, a female German shepherd and the first dog Seb and Sabine had adopted on the island. Right on her heels was a lab-and-collie mix named Lisa. Wobbling after them were two squat mutts, one black and chubby, the other lean and brown, Laurel and Hardy. Both had short legs and stocky bodies, a build typical of all native dogs explained Seb, joking that the same could be said about most of their human counterparts.

Adel trailed close behind Seb’s quad on his motorcycle. A top-heavy blonde in a tight T-shirt and miniskirt stood on the lit front porch watching their approach, her arms and tits resting on the railing.

No surprise there.

Seb parked his quad on the side of the house next to the green Samurai and a white Mini Moke and Adel did the same. They patted their way through the dogs, then went up to the porch.

“Hello, boys,” said the girl.

She stood in front of a hammock hanging by a white plastic patio set. Adel took a step toward her.

“Hey, Sabine,” he said, “nice to finally meet you.”

The girl giggled, glancing at Seb.

“This is Anne,” said Seb. “Sabine’s best friend.”

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