The sound of Bells (5)

Start from the beginning

"We are taking a small detour," he smirked as he pulled me away. We walked for a few minutes before I found us in front of a the door that led to our balcony.

I followed him outside and he lend on the ledge. "Look at it, isn't it beautiful?" he asked

I nodded and sat next to him. "It really is."

We sat looking at the sunset for a few minutes. I turned to look at him and he was already looking at me. "I know this isn't what either of us wanted, but I want to make this work for both of us," he started grabbing my hands.

"I want to make you a happy wife. I'll try until the day I die."

I stopped him and stood up. "I promise it's not that I don't like you, I just i don't know what I want anymore. I mean, I'm barely an adult and I was just married off to a man who is in his late 20s," I stopped and just looked back at the sunset.

"I understand Y/N well, I will never force you to do something you don't want to do. And I will always be here for you," he said grabbing my hand. I smiled took his hand.

"We should get to the ballroom" I muttered as we looked back at the sunset.

We both walked back together and when we entered the room everyone was already there. They stood and clapped as we entered.

"Ms and Mr. Snape will now have their first dance," I paused and looked at him.

"I can't dance," I whispered. He chuckled a little as one hand grabbed my waist as the other held shoulder.

"I'll guide you. Put your hands on my shoulders," I did as he told me and he started to set to the music. I followed his movements stiffly and he smirked at me.

After a few minutes I felt a little more comfortable and loosened myself a little. As we danced our eyes meet, we stared deep into each other. Like we were trying to find each others darkest secrets.

As we danced my foot stepped to far and I slipped onto him, making him crash to the floor.

"Fuck," I muttered as I leaned against him, "every time."

He chuckled as we stared at each other. "Sorry," I muttered.

"Don't apologize," he whispered, kissing my cheek as he helped me up.

"I think I'm done dancing for a bit, I'd rather not embarrass myself more," I laughed at myself as I sat at the head table. One of the servers brought me a glass of champagne while the officiant talked about our families uniting as one, or something like that.

Soon dinner was being served and everyone was talking. Though, I sat quietly in my seat while Severus talked to my father.

"Your very quiet for a girl who just got married to a very handsome man," Emily joked as she took the seat next to me.

"You think so don't you?" she asked as she smiled.

I chuckled a little and looked at Severus. "I mean yeah. He's pretty hot but what if he is like a weirdo or something," I said as I looked back at Emily.

"I mean, from what I've seen he seems pretty sweet. Are you afraid he is gonna be a beast in bed?" she asked and immediately let out a loud laugh. I smirked and tried to keep myself from laughing but failed.

"Don't say that so loud," I lowered my voice, "and I never said that. I wouldn't be scared, I'd be excited," I half joked.

We joked for a while before slow music started to play. "Ms. And Mr. Snape will you please join us on the dance floor," I heard his fathers voice boom.

We walked over and his father grabbed my hand while my mother grabbed his. "Good evening Mr. Snape," I greeted him as we started to dance.

He smiled and nodded as we passed his son and my mother.

"So, Ms. Y/N, how is your very special day?" he asked as he lifted me in the air for a spin.

"It's been great," I partly lied. He looked at me with an unsure looked but the just continued.

"Well I'll be the first to welcome you to the family. I hope you and my son have a long future ahead," I smiled at his words and without warning I was spun into the arms of Severus.

"Why hello," he chuckled.

"Hi," I responded awkwardly.

"It's getting late, would you like to head home?" he asked as he led me off the dance floor. I thought about it for a moment and nodded.

We found my parents and told them we were leaving for the night. "Thank you for this amazing day I couldn't of had it any other way!" I exclaimed as I hugged them.

I grabbed Severus hand and we started to walk away before my father stopped us. "Don't forget to communes the wedding," he shouted as we turned back to him.

My face turned bright red and I immediately started to walk faster away from him.

Once we were out of the room I turned to Severus. "I'm not having sex with you, not yet. I am definitely not ready for that," I murmured, hoping to not upset him.

"As I said earlier, I would never force you to do something you weren't comfortable with," he grabbed my hand and within seconds we were standing in his room at his house.

"My mother bought you pajamas to wear and I'll be getting dressed in the bathroom if you need me," He grabbed his night clothes and went to the bathroom.

I waiting a moment to make sure he wouldn't open the door before slipping out of my wedding dress. I set it on a chair before looking into the box on his bed. Inside was a set of purple silk pjs. A tank top with frills at the bottom and shorts with my initials on the left side of them.

I put them on and looked in the mirror, they looked beautiful. I smiled then started to look around his room.

It was as dark as it was last time I was here, this time there was no light from outside to help. A few candles were lit but that's it.

I touched his bed sheets. They were silky smooth and blacker than black.

He really doesn't like much color dose he?

On his nightstand stood 2 photos, one of himself and his whole family. The other was him with 2 girls, barely the age of 5.

When I was looking at the pictures he came out of the bathroom. I quickly turned around like I had done something wrong. I looked at him and the breath hitched in my throat.

He wore black basketball shorts and no shirt, showing off his toned chest. "Are you ok?" he asked, pulling me from my trance.

"O-Oh yeah I'm fine. I was just wondering who these girls were?" I asked, turning back to the photos.

"Those are my sisters, their names were Violet and Rose, they were twins," I saw a small smile twitch past his lips as he looked at the photo.

"Where are they?" I asked. He looked at the photo and small tears trickled from his eyes.

"They died a few years ago. They were murdered by the Prince of the Gryffindors, that's why we are at war with them. They killed my sisters, to get to my mother and father," I could see anger in his eyes and I knew I shouldn't of asked.

"I-I'm sorry I asked," I stuttered, standing there awkwardly.

"Don't apologize, you were just wondering. There is no harm in that," he said as he sat on his side of the bed.

I walked to the other side of the bed and sat laid as far as I could from him. "Goodnight Y/N," he whispered as he blew out the candles on his nightstand.

"Good night," I replied as I turned away from him.

The Masquerade Ball (Y/N x Severus)Where stories live. Discover now