Supremacy Act I

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The Moon Kingdom had collapsed under King Serenio Moon after he poisoned his own Daughter and Heir to the throne, Princess Kailani Moon. Before her death, the Princess and the Kingdom Council passed a law that gave the people the power to choose their next Ruler. Through riots and elections, they've selected none other than King Azul Tatunga of the Cosmic Kingdom of Azul. Thus creating The Cosmic Empire Of Azul

Mourning the death of his beloved, King Tatunga executed the remains of the Moon Royalty. The Moon people began to worship him as he began to push his war efforts against the sun people even further. Thus giving him the name Tatunga Supreme. Tatunga has also begun claiming the era of The Great Restoration is coming to its peak.

King William Dark signed orders to assist The CEA in destroying The Sun Kingdom. Mira, The Dark Mage has been practicing her magic and has discovered an ancient evil falling upon the world.

Queen Lyra Leonard and her trusty assistant, Mordo, have been working hard to find the truth to the CEA. They've discovered a lot of ties between the CEA and The Rose Kingdom.

The Cosmic Empire Of Azul has ramped up military activity and began creating a massive new object with their technology known as project Parva Luna as Helios Brightstorm began fortifying Temple Brightstorm in preparation for the last stand of The Sun Kingdom...

Sandople, Sun Kingdom.

The whirring of an engine slows down as the thrusters throw around clouds of sand. Townspeople coward in fear, hiding behind market stands. The transport doors open, smoke pours out of the transport as Cosmic Soldiers aim their guns at people, their flashlights mounted to the top of their rifles. About ten soldiers total begin walking along the side of the paths, beside the buildings. Blasting at any civilian they suspect will stand up to them. "Zulza! Zulza!" An old man points to the sky as balls of light fly towards them. It's Tatunga's ship.

Stepping out in black and blue, Royal Guards aim their piercing lights at the townspeople. "King's orders! Come out!" The soldiers shout to the townspeople as they walk through the town. Fog fills the doorway to Tatunga's ship, there's an ominous blue glow emerging. Tatunga Supreme steps forth with blue and gold armor and a long black cape. He's holding a blue laser sword.

The townspeople look at him as he walks by. A man behind one of the markets secretly grabs a gun from behind the counter and loads 5 bullets. The man aims his gun while keeping it hidden, he aims it right at Tatunga as he walks by. The first shot, the soldiers turn to Tatunga as he stops in his tracks. The second shot, Tatunga turns to the shooter. The man closes his eyes as he shoots the third and fourth. The fifth shot goes off, the man opens his eyes to see Tatunga standing there with his helmet on, unfazed. "Primitive." Tatunga scoffs as he slices the wooden counter in half.

The man jumps back, dropping his gun. Tatunga picks it up. "You wish to be strong, huh?" Tatunga chuckles as he crushes the gun in his hand and grabs the man, pinning him against the wall. "If you wish to be strong like me. You have to live like me." Tatunga points the edge of his blade about an inch away from the man, the sheer heat burns through the man's clothes and begins burning his skin, just over the heart. He then pushes the blade into his heart, the man screams in agony and then silences. "Unworthy." Tatunga takes the blade out of the man and walks away as the man's body lays limp. "Don't be a villain!" Tatunga shouts. He turns his attention to his gauntlet. "I want this place torched and bombed." Tatunga commands.

The soldiers and guards leave a light trail as Tatunga walks up the stairs to Temple Brightstorm. He gestures to the guards, they charge up their weapons and blast the heavy door to bits. He walks through. "Grrrah!" A Sun Seeker comes in with a blunt wooden object and slams it into Tatunga's head, the object breaks into pieces, Tatunga punches the seeker in the face, blood flies everywhere. "Waste of time." Tatunga walks past the Sun Seeker.

The Sun Seeker falls to the ground, touching his bloody nose, coughing it up. "Heeeeliooos." Tatunga taps the hilt of his sword against the wall, making a clicking noise. The flames of the town nearly turn night into day, the light hitting the side of Tatunga's helmet as he walks past the windows. He busts through the Throne room doors. The Sun Seekers shoot at Tatunga, the bullets bounce off of him and onto the ground, he stands there unfazed as he lets the last of their rounds finish. He deactivated his laser sword and attached it to his hip. "My turn." He takes out a laser pistol and blasts each Sun Seeker. He puts the pistol back on his hip as it becomes part of his armor. "Are you ready to discuss your terms of surrender?" Tatunga asks, Helios is in a defensive stance.

Helios throws a bag of powder into Tatunga's face and runs. "You rat bastard!" Tatunga grunts as his vision clears. He looks around. "Search the place!" Tatunga demands, out of anger, he stomps the sandstone throne, crushing it to pieces, revealing a hidden staircase. He walks down to see a room with a pedestal, on the pedestal sits a case. Tatunga approaches it. He opens the case, revealing something with a yellow glow. "The Sun Shard." Tatunga grins, holding up between his thumb and index finger a yellow crystal shard. "We finally have 3, once more." Tatunga starts laughing maniacally.

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