battle of video game legends

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"Well, that was fun bye guys" gardevoir said as she and mewtwo prepared to teleport. "bye" said sonic, Amy, peach, and Mario. "Well see ya at the figure skating event." Mario said as he and peach started to walk in another direction. "Okay let's go Amy, sonic looks around 'Amy! where are you." sonic yelled in fear. "MARIO!" yelled peach. "HAHA we've got your girlfriends." yelled Eggman. "Roar!!!!! HAHA [that's right we're the best HAHA]" bowser said in boswerize "Personally I've a saved people many times." Mario said as he cracked his knuckles. "Not so fast," said a shadowy figure. "I've used a rewind spring to go back to my SS tier days." said the figure reveled to be meta knight. then he wiped out his sword a slashed Mario and sonic then he disappeared. "Where is this guy" sonic asked. "peekaboo" shouted meta knight. then he knocked Mario and sonic over.        

"POYO [hello friends]!" yelled a cute voice. Then a star crashed into the ground it was Kirby. "Payo poyo [meta-Knight Sakurai is very mad at you]" said Kirby then a hand grabbed meta knight and dragged him into the ground. "You know here are your girlfriends were 'outta here".  shouted Eggman "oh look a chaos emerald" sonic said as he picked up the emerald.   

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