Chapter Eight

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Georgina High

Everyone was talking about the party and I mean everyone. They were all saying how awesome it was. Some had even gone so far as to call it the party of the year. But not me. I was still freaked out by how weird it had been.

Two thoughts, questions really, had been in my mind since last night. The first, how had he managed to do that? The second, how had I been the only one who wasn't frozen? I was very sure that I was human, just as normal as everyone else. The person who wasn't normal, maybe not even human, was Storm. That I knew with almost every fibre of my being. One thing didn't add up with my theory and that was the question of how.

How would it even be possible that he wasn't human?

"Settle down class!" called my teacher, a beautiful woman who looked to be in her early to mid-thirties.

Her loud voice brought me out of my thoughts and I tried to focus on what she was saying. She was talking about the exercise we'd done yesterday, but I eventually zoned her out. Instead, I found myself looking around and at everyone who seemed to be doing fine. They probably didn't even know that for a few minutes, time had frozen. They had been frozen. They were just carrying on like everything was normal, but it wasn't.

How did they not know that?

I then took notice of everyone in this room and I made a keen observation. They were all quite beautiful, with an exception for the few that were more beautiful than others. Now that I think about it, really think about it, I don't think I've ever seen an ugly person in Amesville. It was an odd thing to say, let alone think, but it was true. Even McGregor, as odd as his face might've been to me, he was quite handsome. In his own own way.

Perhaps that was another one of the odd things about this place. Everyone was beautiful. They were all so alluring that you can't look away. Their looks pulled you in but the intensity by which they did so differed. The magnetic-like pull from these people varied with each person. Or at least for me it did.

Take Regina for example, she was gorgeous. Maybe not as gorgeous as the female Storm Twin, but she was nearly just as beautiful. She had captivating looks and I would often see people around here just staring at her in utter awe. Then there was him. He was a different kind of beautiful.  The kind that every girl was pulled to and every guy wished they had. He always managed to leave everyone stunned.

Suddenly, as if he could hear my thoughts, as if he knew that I was thinking about him, he walked into the room. A pin-drop silence engulfed the whole classroom and my heart dropped. I stared at him and our eyes locked. I gasped as I felt a feeling I couldn't exactly explain go through me. It was like lightning had struck my body and made me energised. I involuntarily swooned when he smiled and oddly enough, I desperately wished that smile had bene meant for me.

"Good morning, Ms Sofia," he said charmingly, "I'm truly sorry for interrupting your lesson — family emergency," he explained and I almost melted at how he sounded. He was so perfect.

"I-it's quite alright, Mr Storm. Please, do take a seat," Ms Sophia said almost breathlessly.

Not even the teachers were immune to his charms. No one was.

He sauntered further into the room, unhurriedly making his way to his destination which was becoming a bit too close to me, as if he was me.

And I was right. He stopped in front of my desk, placing a hand in my desk and let out one instruction that held so much power and authoritativeness that I'd be a fool to ignore it,  "Stand," he said when he got to me.

I didn't have time to think. I stood up and did as he had asked, well, more like ordered.

He smiled, very much so please,  which strangely made me smile and made my heart swell with pride. I had pleased him.

He slid into my chair and made himself comfortable then looked up at me and spoke, "Sit."

I blinked, a stupid smile on my lips. Then I blinked again, realising that there was no seat anywhere near me. I quickly grabbed my books form my desk, about to head to the other side of the classroom to take a seat, but his hands circled my waist and I fell into his lap.

I squealed in surprise and the whole class was openly staring at us with Ms Sofia's mouth opening and closing like a fish. She hadn't been teaching, just observing like everyone else was. I was surprised, more than you could I imagine, but I couldn't bring myself to be angry, not when his delicious scent was all around me and we were so close.

I didn't mind the position I was in as much as I should have, I knew that. Instead, I allowed myself to enjoy it. I sunk back further into him and he didn't oppose. I'd ask questions later, I decided,

"You may proceed, Ms Sofia," he spoke and then smirked, staring straight ahead at the board though in that moment I wanted nothing more than for him to look at me. I wanted his attention and a part of me felt that he knew it. He loved watching me whine and pout, wanting me to beg for his attention.

Thankfully, though, I was a stubborn soul and I refused to show my desperation and allow him that satisfaction. I'd simply take what I could get, even though it was 't exactly what I wanted in that situation.

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