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riley had continued to go out with and hide the real her from noah for the weeks following, she liked him  and he was sweet until a pogue walked by.

she wasn't on the best terms with jj or rafe, she was still bitter towards john b for allowing them to follow her to the country club but he was her brother and she couldn't stay mad at him forever.

riley had begun to get sick of hanging around the country club all the time just to hangout with noah so she convinced him to hangout at a spot she was more comfortable in, the wreck.

the two sat at the bar picking away at a plate of fries, noah looked extremely uncomfortable and miserable. jj and rafe were at a table with kiara, riley had greeted them upon entry. mr and mrs hayward (popes parents) entered the restaurant "riley! how ya doing hun?" hayward greeted riley with a hug.

"hey hayward" she smiled "this is noah".

"nice to meet you noah" hayward nodded turning back to riley "oh by the way, i've got a shift for you on sunday, i know you could use the hours"

"shift?" noah furrowed his brows "didn't know you had a job"

"oh yeah this lady's a master on the register" hayward confirmed "best employee i have"

"could we talk about this later?" she asked.

"yeah of course baby, you enjoy your meal and text me later" hayward smiled before joining his wife again.

"since when do you even need a job?" noah asked, stunned.

"he's one of my best friends dad and needed the help at the shop" riley sighed "... and i could use the money"

"what are you like a pogue or something?" noah laughed, thinking that he was wrong but quickly realizing that he was spot on "oh god" he scoffed walking out of the wreck.

riley followed after him "noah, i'm sorry i didn't tell you" she apologized "i was just afraid you wouldn't like me if-"

"if what?!" he snapped "if i knew you were trash? yeah i wouldn't have even given you a chance"

"watch your mouth" rafe's voice echoed behind riley, she turned around and saw jj beside him.

"rafe cameron" noah scoffed "let me guess, she lied to you about who she is too?"

"no actually" rafe shook his head "i think it's time for you to go noah"

"oh i'm going" noah said angrily "for the record riley, i only approached you because i heard my friends saying that you're easy" he sneered before beginning to walk away.

rafe looked like he was gonna let it go but he walked up to noah and grabbed him by the shoulder turning him around, before anyone knew what was happening rafe had punched noah in the face.

rafe looked like he was gonna let it go but he walked up to noah and grabbed him by the shoulder turning him around, before anyone knew what was happening rafe had punched noah in the face

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riley sat on her bed across from rafe, cleaning up his hand for him "i can't believe you actually hit him" she laughed "you really didn't have to do that"

"it was instinct" he shrugged "i always wanna protect you ry, even if we didn't work out"

riley smiled "so you're actually friends with jj?" she asked "it's weird to see you guys hanging out all the time"

"well i can tell you care about him and i care about you" he explained "we just both want what's best for you ry"

riley reached over and hugged rafe, he hugged her back tighter if that's even possible "you think i could crash here tonight?"

"yeah for sure, i'll take the couch" she nodded "you can take my bed"

"or you can sleep in the bed with me?" he suggested "if that's ok..." he hesitated.

riley thought for a moment then nodded before laying down and leaving a space next to her for rafe.

☆bad habit~ rafe cameron☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora