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"did either of you move my bathing suit?" riley asked "it was drying in the shower and now it's gone"

"i moved it to the deck because i had to shower" jj informed "my bad".

"shit rafe's gonna be here any second" she said frantically going onto the porch then back inside "he's gonna kill me if i'm not ready"

"you're going out with rafe again?" john b asked "thought that ended"

"as friends" she explained "shit he's here" riley opened up the door and signalled for rafe to come in.
"you guys know rafe, i gotta go finish getting ready" she told rafe before walking into her room.

"could we talk outside?" jj asked rafe.
rafe nodded and the two stood on the porch "first i wanna apologize for... you know kissing your girlfriend".

"water under the bridge" rafe shrugged.

"cool... cool" jj nodded "now down to the important shit, i overheard riley talking to some kook... sorry... at the bar and he was talking about how he hates pogues"

"huh?" rafe asked.

"it was after riley's shift so i guess he didn't realize that she wasn't a kook i guess... anyways she didn't tell him that she was a pogue and he just got her number so i guess what i'm trying to say is..." jj cleared his throat "i'm worried about her and i think you should be to".

rafe went to speak but riley had come out of the house "ready?" she asked before rafe nodded.

jj thought that he fucked up by including rafe in his worries, that maybe rafe would tell riley what he had said but before walking back to his truck he turned to jj "i'll get ry to send you my number" rafe told jj before dapping him up.

rafe and riley got into rafe's truck "okay that was weird" she laughed "i thought you guys hated each other".

"nah... we're cool" rafe shrugged before pulling out of the driveway.


glad that the number u gave me wasn't fake lol

lol i was debating it

i like you

u don't know me

no but i'd like to get to know you
let me take you out tomorrow night


come on it's one date

one date that's it.

be ready by 6

"who are you texting?" rafe asked "riley? hello?" he waved his hand in front of her face.

"um... just some guy i met at the club after my shift" she shrugged "noah cane, you know him?"

"noah cane? yeah i know him" rafe scoffed "he's got a reputation"

"for what?" riley asked "can't be worse than mine"

"he just plays a lot of girls" rafe explained "or so i've heard, just be careful ry"

"well i agreed to one date, it's not gonna go further" she shrugged "besides, he seems nice... they could just be rumours"

"yeah maybe" rafe agreed "i just want the best for you".


she's got a date with the kid tomorrow night

bro already???

yup and i know the dude
total prick


i've got an idea

whatever it is i'm in
john bs in too

authors notes: ok so i'm kinda taking rafe in a different direction here, i still wanted to make him have a sorta tough exterior and a hatred for most people but i didn't rlly wanna make him... yk a gold obsessed murderer so i'm making him tolerable and also allowing him to build a friendship with the pogues... it's called ✨character development✨. plus rafe with a soft spot for riley is sooooooo😍🥰🥰🥰😍, hope u enjoy.

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