I gritted my teeth, "King Ian, while I appreciate your flattering comments. The answer is no. I will never marry an egotistical bag of dicks like yourself. I belong with Maverick." King Ian sneered and I got up, backing away in fear. "My dearest. You were supposed to be mine! You weren't supposed to fall in love with my brother! You robbed me of yourself!" I teared up, "I'm sorry! I truly am! But you were terrible to me, always making me feel worse about myself. Being possessive and telling me all the time that I was nothing and would always be under you! Being a queen means that we are equal! Mave was the one who made me feel loved, you will never marry me!" 

Ian growled, "We will be married! Put that dress on and meet me outside. We will play croquet in the garden and you will enjoy every single bit!" I glared at him as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. I yelled out in anger and threw a vase at the wall, eventually putting on the dress. It's better to do what he says instead of disobeying.

-Out in the Garden-

I stand there bored as Ian plays croquet with a hedgehog. I feel bad for the innocent creature as Ian launches him into the bushes and everyone claps. Everyone hates Ian but doesn't want to be killed. Ian smiles at me and I roll my eyes. "Where's my ball? Page!" Nirvana squeaks in fear and runs off to where the hedgehog went. Ian walks over to me and caresses my cheek, "You look lovely my love. We will wed tomorrow night and we will be a happy couple." I moved my cheek away from his touch, "Your father was right to send me away. You're mad." Ian just smiles, "You'll see it my way soon." Ian frowns and looks around, then grabs my hand and drags me to where Nirvana hopped off to, "Page!" We stop in front of a bush and I gasp in happiness, seeing an extremely tall Alastor. Ian looks at me when I make the sound and I grimace, "Sorry King Ian. It just surprised me to see a naked man in your garden." King Ian chuckled, "If this surprises you then tomorrow night will be extremely surprising." I watch as Ast glares at Ian and it vanishes as Ian turns back to him. 

"What is this?" Ian asks loudly. Nirvana gulps, "It's a who, majesty. This is, um..." Ian looks confused as he looks down at Nirvana, "Um?" Alastor speaks up, "From Umbrage." Ian tilts his head, "What happened to your clothes?" 

Alastor sighs, "I outgrew them. I've been growing an awful lot lately. I tower over everyone in Umbrage. They laugh at me. So I've come to you and your queen, hoping you might understand what it's like." Ian looks impressed and looks at me, "Everyone else has accepted it, why can't you my love?" Ian then looks at Alastor, "My dear boy, anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court. Especially when you accept the fact that Lady Andromeda Quintrell was, is, and will be mine. Someone find him some clothes! Use the curtains if you must, but clothe this enormous boy! My queen shouldn't see anyone unclothed unless it is me!" 

After Alastor was clothed we walked into the throne room and I was set on a throne beside Ian's. Alastor was given a set being held up by monkeys and I smiled sadly at them, knowing that it was torture to be around Ian. "Go away!" Ian waves to his court of faking individuals and then looks at Ast, "You must meet my fat boys. Fat boys!" I roll my eyes and grab the book that a fish brought me, reading it and ignoring the horrible conversation. 

Illiana Stayne walks up and kisses Ian's hand, sweetly, trying to get Ian to love her again, then glaring at me. Stayne looks at Alastor with hearty eyes, "And who is this handsome creature?" Ian rolls his eyes, "Um, my new favorite." Stayne smiles, "Does he have a name?" Ian growls, "Um." 

I snicker at what's about to happen, knowing that Illiana is going to mess up. "I believe that your name has slipped the King's mind." Ian looks at me and rolls his eyes, "His name is Um, idiot!" Stayne flinches and is about to fall, but I catch her. "You can have him Illiana. I don't want him, I'm not getting him your way," I whisper to her as she glares and whispers back, "You may not want him, but he doesn't see that. So until he tells me that he's done with you, you are in the way." Stayne shoves herself off of me and sneers at me. 

I sigh, she'll never change. "From Umbrage," Alastor smiles. "Any luck with the prisoner?" Ian asks. Stayne takes off her gloves, "He's stubborn." I smile, "Ian, maybe I can get something from him. I know Tarrant." Ian sighs, "He's coming to the throne room, but I don't want you to see it. Head to his holding room and wait there until Stayne brings him back there. But don't think about running away. I'll find you." 

I nod and smile at Ast, quickly walking out of the room. Once I'm out, I sprint to where Tarrant was being held. Wondering what Maverick is doing and if he misses me. 

*Belinda's POV*

I ran quickly to Marmoreal to tell the White King that Alastor is here and so is his betrothed. I huff and puff as the White King excuses himself from the conversation with his subjects and hurries over to me. "What news Belinda?" The White King sits on his knees as I try and gain my breath. "Alastor has returned to Underland," I breathe out and The White King smiles. "Where is he now?" The White King asks, looking around. I sigh, "In Salazen Grum. Forgive me, I allowed him to divert from the destined path." The White King smiles softly and cups my face, "No, no, no, no. But that is exactly where she will find the Vorpal Sword. We have our champion. Rest now, you've done well." 

I took a deep breath, "And he'll find Lady Andromeda there. She came with Alastor. The Red King took her and is planning on marrying her tomorrow night." I watched as the White King's face turned angry, "He just never learns does he." I chuckle and rest my head on his lap, "Lady Meda refused to go through with it and Alastor said that he would get her out before the wedding. She remembers everything and can't wait to pick up where you two left off." 

King Maverick smiled and blushed, "My darling Constellation. Oh, how I've missed her." King Maverick pets my head as I sigh and take a break. 

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