chapter : 5 : Deal

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Ryan was walking in the hallway, going to his first class of the day when a hand wrapped itself around his wrist and pulled him to an empty room.

He frowned, looking up at his grabber. A questioning look appeared on his features when he saw Scott, Allison and Derek standing in front of him in the empty classroom while Stiles was behind, closing the door.

"Hale" Ryan said amused, ignoring the stares on him while he directed his gaze to the Alpha.

"Hey, aren't you too old to be going to school?"

"When Scott told me that there was a new werewolf in town, I just had to see it for myself, i have to say i wasn't expecting the legendary devil of Las Vegas " Derek began, ignoring his question.

"So are you one of them ??"

"One of who?" Ryan raised his brows,

"Deucalion's alpha pack ? not really i am more of a professional consultant and a allies "

"Then what are you doing here?"

Stiles was the one to ask this question,

"Are you the one killing people?"

"No , not really well not here atleast"

Ryan said with a funny smile trying to push them to there edge .

"So then what are you guys doing in Beacon Hills?" Scott asked Stiles's previous question.

"I don't owe you any answers wolf boy honestly i am kind of annoyed right now " Ryan stated with a shrug as he looked into Allison's eyes and said.

" You are a hunteress , you should have a hidden weapon with you , take it out and kill the Hale... And you what was it......ahh Stiles ! ..... Stop your friend or die trying"

All of them were confused by what he was saying but the next moment Allison took out a hidden taser and shot at Derek making him incapacitated.

Scott who was about to stop her but he was stopped by Stiles who held him back from moving .

As Allison took a blade and was about to kill Derek a voice stopped her .

" Stop... "

She stopped as Ryan appeared infront of them with a smile .

" If i want to, i can kill you guys with the help of your own friends but me me being me will let you live.... "

He stared at Scott who now got out of Stiles's grip .

"How can we trust you , that you won't hurt us ?"

"Of course," Ryan nodded, shooting a fake smile at the group

"I'd never dream of hurting anyone."

"We can't trust you," Scott added earning a scoff from him,

"So? I never told you to. I want nothing to do with you and your little pack."

"What do you know about Deucalion?" Derek shot the question at him as he slowly got up from the previous shock with a glare

Ryan sighed as he walked over to one of the nearest desk and sat down, facing the group,

"I know that he wants you to be part of his pack and i am here to convince you to join or kill you "

"We know that" Derek said annoyed. "what else?"

"And that he and his little pack of Alphas will get rid of anyone that comes in their way." Ryan said looking at the remaining people.

"I'm giving you heads up here; he made those alphas kill their entire pack to be in his. But I guess that's good because you don't really have a pack now, do you?"

"Didn't he want you to be in his pack?" Derek asked confused.

"No not really, i am not a alpha and i don't really have a powerful pack with me that will help him "

"Why?" Stiles asked, "I thought lone wolves are more at risk of being killed. No werewolves would want to be pack-less."

"I don't want to," Ryan muttered,

"Having a pack means looking out for each other , put them before yourself. Allowing leverages, having something your enemies could use against you. I'm not risking that."

"A pack makes you stronger," Scott spoke, a frown at his lips at the hybrid’s reasoning,

"why would you think otherwise?"

He decided to ignore his question, looking at the rest of the group

"Why are you still here?"

Stiles asked confused.

"If you're there allies there is no need for you to be here until now or to let us live .... Unless you want something from us.... "

Ryan smiled at Stiles as he said.

" You seem to be smart Stiles.... Yes i am here to form a temporary alliance with you guys . "

Ryan said with a smile but none of them were smiling back at him not trusting him.

"Look, Deucalion's pack is strong."

Derek began, hoping that he was not going to regret what he was about to do

"And we need all the help we can get to get rid of them. But i still need a reason why you are betraying them . So why do you want to help us ? "

"Are you trying to make a deal with me Hale ? Look at you, poorly attempting to swallow your pride because you're desperate." Ryan said ammused.

"Shut up," Derek gritted out, "are you going to help or not?"

"Wait, hold on," Stiles interrupted

"Am I hearing it right? Why in hell would you ask him for help when he literally said that if it comes to it, he's gonna save his own ass?" Stiles continued.

"We have a high chance of winning with Ryan on our side," Derek explained

"If he's as strong as the rumours say we will, without a doubt, win. How are so strong anyway?"

Derek asked as he looked at Ryan

"Healthy diet," Ryan muttered, not knowing what else to say. Derek rolled his eyes as the hybrid added, "a lot of green—"

"— Okay, we got it." Derek cut the boy off, "you're insufferable, y'know that?"

"Yet you need my help to save your ass."

Derek grint his teeth , turning to the rest of the group as Scott voiced out his thoughts

"I'm not sure about this. I don't think we can trust him."

"Then trust me," Derek turned to Scott

"I know what I'm doing."

"I am pretty sure you don't"

Ryan said as Derek turned towards him .

" Why is that ?"

" Because you don't even know where your pack is but i do "

Ryan said with a smile .

" And you have to there yourself and be the knight in shining Armor and also went you are at it find a way to break a bank vault "

That last statement made everyone look up as Ryan just gave them a smile .


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The Original Hybrid of Teen Wolf Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon