"Katherine, I missed you just as much. Maybe even more, you know you are like a mom to me and being away from you for almost a year was killing me. I'm good now, I am very glad I'm back home where I belong and I'm glad that I'm back with my little family." I said standing up and putting Nova in his little play matt that was on the living room floor.

I quickly hugged Katherine as tightly as possible. "Soph, I don't want to squeeze too tightly. Blake told us about your recovery and the twins, and Nevaeh's reflux. I don't want to hurt you honey." she said pulling back and looked over for potential bruises. Not that I had any though.

"I'm fine, I promise. Blake and Shyla are just over exaggerating. Please come on in and meet your grandkids." I said gesturing over to Nova and Nevaeh who was still in Blake's arms.

"Ahem" I head from behind us. When I turned Henry was standing there with a very uncomfortable look on his face. " Sophia. Welcome back. I hope that you make my son very happy, even I know you aren't the right one for him" he said that last bit under his breath but I heard it as clear as day.

"Dad! Really?! What makes you think that I would allow you to speak to my mate like that?! Either you accept her as part of the family now dad or be exiled and become a rogue. It's totally up to you dad." Blake spoke to his dad in his alpha voice that even I bowed my head and whimpered.

Henry stood there with a blank expression on his face. He stood for a few minutes and then just walked out of the house saying nothing. I guess he must've told something to Katherine or Blake through their link. I was still in shock from Blake's tone that he used. If this is going to be my reaction when he uses his alpha voice with other people. How the hell am I going to make it through a conversation when he uses it on me.

"Well let's get to lunch. Mom will you please hold Nevaeh while I quickly check on the last things for dinner in the oven?" Blake asked as he hands Nevaeh to his mom.

Katherine looked ecstatic to be holding her granddaughter. " She looks just like you Soph. She is so gorgeous." Nevaeh stared at her with the biggest eyes. She kept staring at Katherine and then she just starts smiling.

I haven't seen her smiling since we left the doctor's office yesterday. Tears escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped them away before anyone could've seen them.

A few hours later and we had lunch and also enjoyed a lot of conversation. Katherine filled me in on everything that has been happening here, I just got so overwhelmed with all the information that I will have to ask Blake to tell me again. Katherine asked me what I did for the time I was at The Moon Stone Pack. I told her about the amazing views, the fun times I had with Jake and everyone there, I told her about the pain and everything that happened with my pregnancy, the twins being a surprise. 

I shared some of the photos of the twins that I had taken ever since they were born. When the clock hit four Katherine and Shyla decided that if was time for them to head home. As we were saying goodbye, Katherine hugged me tightly and whispered that I should just ignore Henry and that he'll come around soon, that he needs time to process everything.

Yeah sure I believe that as much as I believe that there will be world peace one day. I just nodded and said goodbye to the both of them. Blake shut the door and then hugged me from behind and pulled me close into his body. He nuzzled his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. I relaxed against him. I was physically drained, I was actually still supposed to be on bed rest but today was an exception. I know I pushed myself too hard today with standing and being up and busy, because my legs were jelly and I could barely hold myself up anymore.

"Baby I think we should get you into a hot bath while I bring the twins upstairs into their cribs" Blake suggested as he slowly walked me up the stairs. He walked us into the en suite bathroom and started the bath, adding a cocoa butter bath bomb. He is just simply the best.

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