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Translate: Everyone we know will die

"Kaira!" My Mother yelled. "Be careful, and please come back to me." Begged my Mother. "Oh, I will, and I promise." I smiled and gave my Mother a pinky promise by grabbing each other pinkys and shaking. I was a 15 year old girl. I was very young to go to space, and travel from Earth to Pandora planet. But, I was very excited to do all of these things. "Please.. I beg you to come back. And don't turn out like Jake Sully. And you know what he did?" My Mother said. "He betrayed his soldiers for a Avatar Na'vi women." I mocked my Mothers words that she had said before. "Correct!" My Mother said. She patted my back to go on spacecraft. "I love you sweetie!" She yelled while stepping back from the spacecraft. "Love you too.." I smiled small. 

I grabbed an oxygen mask before I sat down. "Everyone buckle up!" The Pilot said. A woman sat down next to me. "Have you ever gone to Pandora?" The woman asked. "Uh.. no, this is my first time. Have you?" I asked. "Many times. This will be my last, because I want to retire." She smiled. "Oh.. have you ever met Jake Sully?" I asked. "Many times sweetie." She replied. I grabbed my seat while the spacecraft started to move. "You nervous sweetheart?" She asked with a smile. "Mhm.." I smiled nervously. "I remembered my first time in Pandora. I was so excited to be an Na'vi Avatar. When I found out that I couldn't really be one because of my health. I was very upset. But after a few years, they finally said that I could be one. You should've seen my reaction. I was so damn happy." She laughed. "Wait.. we can be a Na'vi?" I asked. "Yes, you can choose to stay human or be a Na'vi. And I believe they already made your Avatar." She winked. "My name is Anna McClane, what is yours?" She asked. "It's Kaira Ranelle." I smiled.

It took us a few days to get to Pandora.  Anna and I kept on making jokes about Jake Sully. "I believe he has children now. He should have 3 to 4 kids. I know he has 2 boys around your age. And Neytiri was pregnant before I left, so I know she has 3, so maybe 4 because they did say they were adopting Grace's baby.." She said while thinking. "Whose Grace?" I asked. "She was a scientist, but she had passed from a gun shot while pregnant." She said sadly. "I'm sorry.." I said. We felt the spacecraft shaking really bad. "What's going on?" I asked nervously. "We're very close to Pandora." Anna smiled. "Oh." I smiled with relief. 

"Put the oxygen masks on!" The Pilot said before he opened the door. I looked out while he was opening it. There were people out front. There was a young boy that is my age, or close with a few other adults. "Greetings!" They smiled. I walked off the spacecraft, but not looking before I step, I missed a step and stumbled in front of the boy. He kinda hissed at me. I slowly lifted my head to look at him. I hissed right back with my hands up like I had claws to scratch him. He smiled and laughed. "C'mon Kaira." Anna pulled my arm. 

We walked into the lab and I saw a lot of Avatar's. "Come with me, I'll show you your Avatar." She said while walking me to my Avatar. The Avatar was floating in a big tub of glass. She was beautiful. She also looked like me. I turned around and saw the boy again. "Does he know English?" I asked Anna. "Mhm, go talk to him." She shewed me away. I slowly walked to him. "H-hi.." I smiled nervously. "Hey." He smiled. "Want me to show you around" He asked. "Yes please." I smiled. "My name is Spider, what's yours?" He asked. "My name is Kaira.." I smiled. "Oooh~ like Na'kaira." He smiled. "Why Na'kaira?" I asked. "For your Avatar name." He said while we started to walk outside with our masks on. It was gorgeous. "C'mon! I have friends for you to meet." He pulled me by my arm and started to run.

I gotta do the next chapter tmr or the day after tmr, I'm so tired lol

Love ya

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