Honouring Nikocado's Mother with a Traditional Tea Ceremony

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Days turned into weeks, and Nikocado and Toru continued to support Nikocado's family as they mourned the loss of his mother. It was a difficult time for everyone, but Nikocado and Toru knew that they had to stay strong for each other and for the family.

Nikocado's father was struggling the most with the loss of his wife. He had been married to her for over 40 years, and he didn't know how to live without her. Nikocado spent a lot of time talking to his father, listening to his stories about his mother and sharing memories of his own.

One day, Nikocado's father came to him and Toru with an idea. He wanted to honour his wife by holding a traditional Japanese tea ceremony in her memory. Nikocado and Toru thought it was a beautiful idea and immediately began to help with the planning.

Together, they spent the next few days preparing for the ceremony. They cleaned the house from top to bottom, decorated with flowers, and set up the tea room with all the necessary tools.

On the day of the ceremony, Nikocado's extended family arrived, dressed in traditional Japanese attire. They gathered in the tea room, where Nikocado's father prepared and served the tea, as per the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

As they sipped their tea, Nikocado's family members took turns sharing their favourite memories of Nikocado's mother. There were tears, but also laughter and joy as they remembered the happy times they had shared with her.

Nikocado and Toru were touched by the love and support that Nikocado's family had shown them. They knew that they had found a second family in Japan, and they were grateful for it.

After the tea ceremony, Nikocado and Toru took a walk in the garden to reflect on the day's events. As they walked, Toru turned to Nikocado and said, "I'm so proud of you, Nikocado. You've been so strong throughout all of this. I love you."

Nikocado smiled, feeling a warm feeling in his heart. He knew that he had found the love of his life in Toru, and he was grateful for every moment they spent together.

As the sun began to set, Nikocado and Toru returned to the house, where Nikocado's family had prepared a traditional Japanese dinner. They all sat together, sharing stories and memories, and feeling grateful for the love and support they had found in each other.

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