Chapter 9

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|it's been about two months since me and Larry have met Sal, and he's been our best friend, we were always hanging out and doing almost everything together, but today was sadly the last day of out freedom, the last day of summer break.

"Cm'on dude! How the hell are you so good at this game?"

Larry looked at Sal who looked back at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"I dunno dude."

"You said that the last time man.."

I sat next to Sal and smiled from the twos behavior.

"Maybe you should get better Larry."

He glared towards me and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up.."

Larry stood up and made his way to my dresser to grab my drumsticks and walked towards the drums sitting in the seat.

"Wanna hear the only thing I know on the drums?"

I glared at Larry who had a smug grin on his face.

"Larry no-"

"Sure, why not."

Larry chuckled to himself the crossed his arms.

"First you gotta make a joke."

Sal looked at me then at Larry.

"I'm not good at jokes dude."

"It can be anything, I don't care."



"Why couldn't the chicken cross the road?"

"Hmm, why? Why couldn't the chicken cross the road sally face?" He said waiting for him to answer.

"Because it was dead."

I felt my jaw drop, I looked at Larry who had the same facial expression as me. Then he started to laugh uncontrollably almost bending over. I tried to hold in my laugh but sadly failed.

~ba dum tss~

I laughed harder as soon as Larry played the drum line, and before we knew it all of us were giggling our asses off.

"Damn Sal I didn't know your humor was so dark!" Larry said as he was holding his stomach.

"You said anything!"

"B-but I didn't know that you'd come up with that!"

Larry whipped his eyes and chuckled to himself.

"Oh that was a good one."

Then he went over to his cd player and put a cd in to play music.

"Hey, whoever can headband the best gets to do whatever they want for the day."

I stood up next to Larry while Sal did the same.

"But didn't last time you hit your head against you dresser? And you had this awful bruise there for a week?"

Larry stared at me then put the cd in the radio.


"Mmhm" I said as I crossed my arms.

"But I'm down, why not. It's gonna be fun anyways." Sal said to Larry.

"Thats what I'm talking about! Unlike Y/n here."

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes.

"Okay fine, I'll do it."

"Alright! Let's get to this now."

As the music started playing we all started to head bang to the music, but Larry was doing it a little too aggressively. Then we all heard something that hit someone.

"Awh shit! My nose!"

I looked up at Larry and saw that his nose was bleeding.. a lot- I turned the music down a bit and walked over to Larry.

"Hey Larry are you ok-"  When I walked over to him I felt my foot kick something. As I looked down I saw Sals mask on the floor.

"Larry! Shit dude are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine Sally Face don't worry."

When I turned my face to Sal, I saw him without his mask.. the left side of his face was scarred so badly. Some pieces of his skin was completely torn and his nostril was dragged to the side. Then, Sals eyes started to swell up with tears. He imidelty he covered his face with his hands quickly and looked down.

"Oh god.. I'm so sorry.."

I picked up his mask and handed it to him.

"Sal, dude. What are you apologizing for? Like what I said I'm fine!" Larry said to him as he patted his back gently.

I glared at Larry then the mask, then his eyes widened a bit and mouthed something to me. Sal grabbed the mask from my hands and quickly put it on.

"I-im gonna go now, i-its getting late anyways you guys." Sal said as he rushed towards the door.

As Sal left, the room felt awkward and quiet.


I looked over at Larry who was cleaning his bloody nose.

"Just leave him be, he's processing a lot right now.."

I looked at Larry then at the door. I sighed and went to my bed to lay down. Larry got ready to go to bed as well as he cleaned a little around him so the room wasn't so messy. I turned to the side and pulled the blanket over me. Even though Larry fell asleep I couldn't even close my eyes. All i was thinking about if Sal was okay. I sighed deeply and stared at the wall next to my bed.

"Hey.. Y/n..? A-are you there?"

|💙New kid next door 💙| (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now