Chapter 16

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Issei, Akeno and I were sitting in the shrine with Michael, when I started feeling very uncomfortable...and I don't think it's because of Michael. A light then appeared in front of us, revealing a sword.

Michael: Behold young pervert....the holy sword Ascalon. This holy sword has also earned another name.....the dragon slayer.....

Issei: Hell of a title.

Michael: But also well deserved, many dragons fell to it's blade. I hope it isn't causing you too much discomfort Joe.

Joe: I'm fine.

Michael: This blade was sent to you from up high, in hopes that you could assimilate it into your boosted gear. It has come to my attention that you are history's weakest red dragon emperor and hope this blade will give you the necessary strength in times of tribulation.

Weakest in history? And he's already coming close to me in strength? Sure in my true form I can wipe the floor with him, but then I can't have fun with the girls due to my size......why does life hate me?

Issei: Why would you give it to me?

Michael: Hear me child, the time has come for all of us to work together, or die trying. The great war ended large fighting, but as you know we still have small skirmishes. If this is allowed to continue, all will be brought to ruin. It is entirely possible that a different power will attack us in all this confusion.

Issei: Like what?

Michael: There's more to life than heaven, earth and the underworld, and this upcoming summit will provide us with a big opportunity.

Issei: For what?

Michael: For the three great powers to form an alliance. To put an end to years of ceaseless fighting.

So they want peace...

Issei: To stop the fighting?

Michael: It would not be the first time. Long ago we all came together to fight as one in order to drive of four powerful dragons. Three of them have been defeated and turned into sacred gears, the fourth one escaped. I ask you red dragon emperor. Please help align the goals of the three great powers along with your brother.

Akeno: Now Issei, this is the part where you accept his gift.

Issei looked to me as if asking for silent permission.

Joe: Go ahead, not like it would do me any favors.

Issei stood up and looked at the sword.

Issei: Assimilating a holy sword? Is that even possible?

Ddraig: The sacred gear responds to the wishes of it's wielder, if you want it to happen, it can totes be done.

Issei: Then let's do this Ddraig.

He placed his hand on the hilt and a blinding light made me close my eyes. When I opened them again, the sword and the boosted gear had merged.

Michael: I have done what I set out to do, and now I must take my leave.

Before he left he looked at me.

Michael: I am sorry, I do not have a gift for you, therefor I shall allow you two favors to spend whenever you want. Spend them carefully now, goodbye.

Issei: Wait! I got a question!

Michael: I apologize, I do not have time right now. You can ask me at the summit.

He then disappeared in a flash of light and I let out a sigh. First he nearly matches me in power, now he gets a dragon slaying sword. It feels like life itself is trying to screw me over.

The Ultimate Dragon (Highschool DxD x Male OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें