Looking for Red

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As Blue and Yellow were looking for Red they noticed the park was kind of confusing since they're both bad at directions

Blue: "Where is she?"

Yellow: "I'm not sure let's keep looking.."

As they were walking they bumped Into a colour they had never seen before

Yellow: "Whoa! Who are you?"

???: "Oh! I'm Pink nice to meet you!"

Blue: "Hello there im Blue nice to meet you too"

Pink: "So are you looking for someone?"

Blue: "Yeah we're looking for our friend Red"

Pink: "Oh well I think I saw her go...That way!"

Yellow: "Over there?"

Pink: "Yep!"

Blue: "Oh thanks!"

Pink: "No probs!"

Blue: "Oh! There's Red!"


Blue and Yellow runs towards the others was they were sitting on a bench

Shina: "It's about time my ass was starting to hurt"

Violet: "Yeah mines too..."

Red: "Okay well now that everyone's  here let's go have fun!" 

Yellow: "Yay!"

Shina: "So...Where do you guys wanna go first?"

Indigo: "I dunno let's go wherever I'm fine with that"

Shina: "Okay..."

As hours passed by everyone is exploring and having fun until night time

Blue: "We should get back it's getting late"

Red: "Yeah I agree"

Shina: "Yeah i need to sleep after staying up watching random videos on my phone..."

Orange: "You really need to stop staying up..."

Shina: "You got a problem with that?"

Orange: "N-No..."

Shina: "Good"

As they go to their room they find a problem...they're arnt enough beds

Shina: "Shit...what do we now?"

Purple: "I suppose we make a plan on who sleeps with who"

Shina: "Weird but useful?"

Yellow: "Yeah I guess"

Shina: "Okay guys I have it planned out!"

Red: "Oh Goodie!"

Shina: "So...Red you'll be sharing a bed with...Orange!"

Orange: "Yay!"

Yellow: "Ooh I wonder who I'm gonna be with..."

Shina: "Yellow your with..."

Yellow's POV: *Please be Blue please be Blue please please be Blue!*

Shina: "...It's Blue"

Yellow: "Yay! I'm so happy!"

Blue: "Yay! I'm happy too!"

Shina: "Green, Purple"

Both: "Yeah?"

Shina: "Your sharing a bed also"

Green: "Okay..."

Purple: "I guess that's fine"

Violet: "What about us?"

Shina: "Uhh I don't know"

Indigo: "Hey this couch turns into a bed!"

Shina: "Oh then Indigo and Violet can sleep together as well!"

Violet: "What about you?" 

Shina: "Haha- Yeah I barely sleep at all"

Indigo: "You really need to change your sleeping habits"

Shina: "Nope I'm okay with the ones I have now!" 

Violet: "A-Are you okay?"

Shina: "Physically, Yes...Mentally, No so the answer is... Yesn't"

Violet: "Yesn't? What's that"

Shina: I dunno but its kinda a mix of yes and no"

Violet: "Alright,Welp I'm going to bed...GO TO SLEEP!"

Shina: "NEVER!"

A/N:This is short but I also had a new writing styles so this is what your gonna deal with for a while that's all

Just a Colourblocks story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang