Disaster Day

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The other colours wake up Red,Orange,Green and Purple are awake while Indigo and Violet are asleep in their rooms they slowly make their way to Blue's room they open the door slowly Red climbs on Blue's bed and takes out her phone to take a picture but she forgot to turn off her flash when she took the picture the bright flash hit Blue and Yellow's faces Red and the others got scared and Red gets off the bed quickly and her and the other colours go back to their rooms and pretend that their still asleep. Blue wakes up still tired "Huh? I thought I felt a flash of light hit my eyes?" Yellow wakes up after Blue "Yeah same... hmm must be nothing" Blue says "Yeah I agree let's go back to sleep".


The next day rolls around and everyone has just woken up Red is in the kitchen making breakfast Blue and Yellow are the first to wake up they sit down at the table and wait for the others it's quiet until "F*CK THAT HURTS!" they heard Orange stub her toe Red overhears Orange and shouts "ORANGE LANGUAGE!"
Orange says "SORRY RED!" Blue and Yellow are shocked but they eventually decided to forget about it "Hey Yellow?", Blue says. "Yeah babe?", Yellow says. Blue's face is shocked by Yellow's response,"Did you call me Babe?" Blue says while smiling smugly Yellow blushes and says "Uh no" but then Red says "Yes you did you called Blue 'Babe' " Orange pops her head out while going down the stairs and says "Ooo Yellow called Blue babe" Orange says smugly, "N-NO I DIDN'T S-SHUT UP!"
Green runs down the stairs and shouts "DID YELLOW CALL BLUE BABE!" Blue is embarrassed by all the unwanted attention just because he called his best friend called him 'Babe', Purple wakes up and makes his way downstairs Orange runs towards him and says "PURPLE GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!" Purple looks at Orange confused and says "What.. What happened?" Purple responds with a sleepy tone "YELLOW CALLED BLUE BABE!" Orange says with an ecstatic face "Whoa really?" Purple says while looking at Blue and Yellow as they were sitting at the table embarrassed "That's so cute Yellow" Purple says while smiling."NO IT'S NOT CUTE ITS EMBARASSING AND STUPID NOW SHUT UP BEFORE I BEAT SOMEONE UP!" Yellow says in Embarrassment and anger. "Good morning everyone how was your day?" Violet says while walking down the stairs suddenly Indigo runs down the stairs "EEK A NEW SEASON OF THE DEVIL'S PRINCESS JUST DROPPED!" Violet hears Indigo and says "WHAT REALLY DID SEASON 4 OF THE DEVIL'S PRINCESS REALLY DROP!" Violet says with excitement "YES!" Indigo says while jumping on the couch to watch the new season of her favorite anime Violet runs and sits next to her hugging a pillow while kicking her legs as the first episode starts everyone except for Blue and Yellow looks at the T.V.

*DISCLAIMER* The Devil's Princess is not a real anime I just made it up It was the only good fake anime name that I could think of so pls don't judge me.

As they were in the middle of watching their anime a mysterious portal opens up "AHHHHHHHH!!!- OOF-", All the other colours look to the side as they see a human girl get off the ground, "Ugh where the f*ck am i?, And why is the f word censored?" The mysterious girl climbs up an invisible wall and touches the the top of the house and a bar appears she walks up to the three mini bars and presses it and turns off the censor and climbs back down Everyone is dumbfounded as this girl had somehow broken the 4th wall "What the fuck just happened?" Yellow says as he realized what he had said and covered his mouth "Oh, Hey I'm the creator of this story and yes I did break the fourth wall so i have access to swear don't ask why" The Creator says "Whoa so you made the story!" Orange says with excitement, "Yes and I'm currently creating all the lines!" The Creator says, "Breakfast is ready!" Red says everyone look at Red with a worried face and sits down to eat "Hey Creator wanna eat with us?" Red says "Uhm sure I guess" she pops out a chair out of thin air by snapping her fingers and takes a seat. Everyone except Red is sitting down quietly with scared faces.

Red: "Wow I can't belive I'm cooking good food for the first time!"

Orange: *Fuck I'm gonna be dead by the time I take one bite of this FUCKING meal*

Yellow: *You gotta be kidding me I was already in a bad mood and now I'm gonna be in a worse one once I eat this*

Green: *God I swear Red's cooking is worse than pollution*

Blue: *I hate my life I want to FUCKING die*

Indigo: *Fuck no I'm not eating this but I have to because I'm hungry T-T*

Violet: *Well shit on the scale of 1 to 10 I'm fucked after eating this"

Purple: *God I swear Red is the worst cook in this fucking house it makes me wanna leave and never come back*

Creator: *What's so bad about this food it looks normal?*

As everyone takes a bite of their breakfast their faces are shocked "Wow Red this is really good!" Green says in delight, "Yeah it's better compared to yesterday's breakfast" everyone compliments Red for finally not making a bad meal, Then Red comes out and says "Look what I have it's my special recipe!" Everyone looks at the dessert in awe "Wow that looks good Red!" Blue says
"Yeah! It really does" Indigo says
Everyone takes a bite of the dessert but then their faces are disgusted Red looks at everyone confused not knowing they made a mistake eating the breakfast because after all that they ended up getting food poisoning from the dessert.

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