The Interview

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After Red had accidentally made everyone get food poisoning and Blue starts to catch more feelings for Yellow, The Creator decides to question them.

"So...Blue I'm asking you this, Do you like Yellow?" Blue looks at her and the other colours in a worried tone, Blue calms down and says "Yeah, he's the only person that became my best friend so yeah I like him.." The Creator get a little frustrated "No Blue I mean do you really like Yellow as in you have feelings for him?" Blue looks to the side and says "Feelings? Not really were just good friends you know..." As Blue was talking Red thought it was funny to shout what she saw at the beach the other day "YELLOW AND BLUE ALMOST KISSED AT THE BEACH!" Red says in a ecstatic tone. Blue, The Creator,and the other colours look at Red, Blue stares at her with a angered face all the other colours looked at her shocked. "Wait what?" Orange says confused "Yeah! Blue and Yellow almost kissed at the beach the other day" Red says with a smile on her face. Then they all turn to Blue with tears in his eyes "What's wrong Blue?" Blue stays quiet for a while the other colours keeps asking him what was wrong until he went into a fit of rage and shouted "SHUT UP EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M TIRED OF EVERYONE'S BULLSHIT I JUST WANT TO HAVE ONE NORMAL DAY BUT NO I CAN'T HAVE THAT CAN I?!" Everyone is shocked at Blue's response they've never seen him this angry before "Blue wait I didn't mean it!" Red says while Blue runs up the stairs ignoring Red and the others. "GREAT JOB RED YOU PISSED HIM OFF HE'S NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE US THANKS TO YOU!" Yellow says in a very angry tone Yellow looks at Red and the others one more time before going up stairs to Blue's room to check up on him.

Oops looks like Red angered Yellow and Blue let's see what happens next!

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