Father bonds

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From this point on I will be using spoilers from season 4 so yeah, that all

Mk was sitting on the ground thinking about what happened with the jade emperor as he glitched into his monkey form everyone was inside talking but macaque sat down next to Mk "hey misery kid" Mk said nothing " listen kid I know a lot is going on right now but don't think it's your fault ok" macaque looks at wukong then looks back at Mk "you know wukong gets overwhelmed too, especially with his powers" Mk looks over surprised at what macaque said "it's true when we used to train together he'd beat himself up over even with the smallest mistakes, because if he screwed up even once the whole world would be at stake" Mk rolled his eyes " real helpful" he glitches more as macaque pulls him into a hug " just relax, I've got you"

To be continued....

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