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Welcome to "Birth of a Wishing Heart"!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Welcome to "Birth of a Wishing Heart"!

Before you start, here are a few things you may want to know.

The Forgotten Dream is a series. Birth of a Wishing Heart (BOWH) is the first book in the series. I have a shorter version of the book but this version is meant to truly immerse you in the characters, lore, and places, so the pace is a little slow and it's meant to have many chapters. If you'd like a much quicker read, and to know the main plot please refer to the old version of the book. It's shorter and much more fast paced but misses out on a lot of important details.

This is meant to be the final reboot of the book, if it is copied or put somewhere else without my permission I will stop posting and turn updates into private shares for beta readers.

The key to really enjoy this book is to remember that every good story hints at truth. Tune in to the feelings that it makes you feel, and try to find your own truth between the characters. 

This book will update on a weekly basis starting on June 7th.  Please stay tuned for further updates! <3
Warnings and Notes

This book includes harsh themes such as child abuse/neglect, starvation/poverty, cannibalism, and there may be some graphic scenes. The main characters in this part of the series are also all children. Please remember that my characters are simply characters and do not reflect the beliefs of the author. Reader Discretion is advised.  

Some chapters may artwork, or a song to set the scene. To become completely invested in the characters and scenery, please take a listen to any songs attached. <3

Lastly, if you have any questions for the characters or anything extra you'd like to see more of let me know! I have an extra book called one shots where I write answers or scenes you may not have seen otherwise. Your suggestions might make it in. ;)

Locations and Main Characters

Some readers told me they were having trouble pronouncing my character's names. It was suggested to me to have a list of settings/characters and how to pronounce them. So by popular request here it is. 

Andreni (Ahn-dreh-nee)

A city-state near the Andreni forest. They believe in gods, and often use it as an excuse for misdeeds. There is a massive divide between wealthy and poor, often the wealthy not even daring to look at the poor and encouraging them to fend for themselves. Culture and Tradition are crucial for higher status citizens and they do not do well with change. They are independent of Kingdom rule and are acquainted with many other city states.

Rhionine (Rty-oh-neen) 

A very small kingdom, composed of 2-3 minor city states. They are ruled by King Eudes. They also border the forest and believe in gods, but hold many other superstitions, often to their own financial struggle. They try to help and welcome everyone regardless of status, but this led them to some debts, and has earned then some enemies. They are wealthy, loud, and love to host parties and massive galas. 

Adiscordia (Ah-diss-cord-ee-ah)

The older sister of Grizelda from the slums of Andreni. She is marked and will do anything to save her sister from their curse, starvation, or disease. She has a heavy love for cookies and finds nothing more important than being functional to her family.

Grizelda (Grih-zell-dah)

The younger of the Hex sisters who was born in the slums of Andreni. She loves her sister like no other. Like other hexes, she is marked and trying to learn how to live a blameless life in a world full of hate and separation. She can be very passionate and firm in what she believes in, and will fight for it, even if it causes her harm. 

Lucia (Loos-eah)

Lucia is a young woman from Andreni with a tragic ending. Originally wealthy and regarded as high in status, she fell in love with a poor woodcutter. Rejecting her culture, and with an unapproved marriage she was disowned and scorned by the higher members of society. Her death was early and unexpected, but before her passing she affected many lives with her kindness, love, and generosity. 

Guinniverre (Goo-een-eh-verd) is the actual pronunciation but nonnatives, especially those from Andreni call her (Gu-in-eh-veer).

She is the young princess of Rhionine, and the only heir to the throne. She is ridiculously wealthy, but too young to do much with any of those riches on her own. She loves music, stories and legends, and looking at the stars.

Hansel and Gretel (Han-sel/Greh-tel)

Hansel is the poor son of Lucia and Lorenzo who live in an old Shack in Andreni. He has a strong dislike towards those who are wealthy or in power, and is bold enough to show it despite clear consequences. He's a clever and a mischievous boy who in the end, means well. He always has a plan up his sleeve and will do anything to protect those he cares for, no matter the method. 

Gretel is Hansel's younger adopted sister. Mute for her younger years and seemingly coming from nowhere, no one really knows where she came from but that he cares for her. Though naive, she has a heart of gold. The only thing she's maybe better at than empathizing with others, is teasing her brother into good behavior.

Violet (Vy-let)

Violet is a Rhioninian fugitive and also the Princess's absolute emergency protector. She has her own curse she often can't control and lives in hiding for the safety of others. Despite her lack of control over the exiled and murderous "beast" she's a very shy and almost motherly person. She enjoys hunting, sewing, and getting into trouble with a certain Rhioninian noble.

The Curse

The Curse is an eternal living entity who originated from within the gods. The gods struggled to accept it, so they banished it down to be held by their creations. The curse can only reside in 'marked' vessels. It brings power but it's power is so great that it slowly kills the vessels it lives in and consumes their mind with hatred for the gods and their creations. It needs a constant supply of blood and flesh to constantly repair the vessel (human) It resides in. It can shift forms, but is best seen as darkness. Its goal is to take revenge on the gods and it'll do whatever it takes to do that. 

Wishing Heart

While the curse is the worst of the gods, the wishing heart is the best of the gods. The two form a balance that keeps the world beneath the gods in peace. It is composed of the soul of someone who has lived a blameless and pure life, and was only met with opposition and pain as a response. After death, when needed the most by one of their descendants they receive power from the gods and are reborn. Their main goal is to protect, and though they are sentient animals their hearts give them the ability to wish things into existence. This is both a blessing and curse as their heart can also be hunted, harvested, and used by other forces. Wishing hearts have an incredible amount of power, possibly more than the curse, but its one they must train to find within themselves. They also have a limited amount of wishing power and die once its been used up.


Art Credits: None Yet


Enjoy, and Remember!

Enjoy, and Remember!

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