Chapter 8

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Third-person pov:

no, Grandpa, you can't do this. Alex angrily shouts. 

Yes Grandpa you can't do this to us. we won't let anything like this happen. Ryder shouts too 

Everyone in the Rossi family is furious after hearing about Grandpa's decision. They don't want to let Baby be away from them. After hearing all these noises, the baby started crying loudly. Then Ryder picked up the baby and started taking her to his room, saying he would not let her go away from him. Everyone tried to stop him but he did not listen to anyone and left with the baby.

Alessandro was sitting on the couch confused, unable to understand why his grandsons were overreacting so much. Because as far as he remembers, his son Giovanni had said himself that he was thinking about leaving the baby in the orphanage, but then why did he get so angry after hearing his decision that he had to go out to vent his anger? And now here his grandsons are behaving as if he has asked for their lives from them.

(in the garden)

Here Giovanni came to vent his anger but then he gets a call, he is about to cut the call in anger when he sees that his mother is calling him, he picks up the call and says: hey mom

'don't hey mom me, boy, Now tell me how dare you adopt a child and hide it from me and when  Your dad came to know about this and he didn't even consider it necessary to tell me, just wait for an hour, both of you, after I come I will teach you and your father a good lesson.'

Giovanni flinches when his mother cuts the call. He was in shock for some time, but when he regained consciousness, he quickly called Ace and said: Listen to me carefully, your grandmother is coming home and she is very angry. Somebody told her that I adopted a baby and now I and your grandfather are hiding her from them.

What the hell, Dad, you are saying that grandma is very angry, that grandma who threw water on me by mistake in anger and she says sorry to me for that till now. As if she threw acid on me that day instead of water. Ace said this unsurely because he could not believe his dad's words.

Giovanni rolled his eyes at him and said: did I say that she's angry with you all? no, I said that she's angry with me and your grandfather.

then, Dad,  it's your problem so you take care of it yourself because I am not going to explain this to Grandma. Ace said this then cut the call.

An hour later---( when Giovanni's mother is about to arrive )

Rossi's brothers are all sitting in the living room, waiting for their grandma as she is their last hope. they all know that she is a kind-hearted woman and she is the only one who can change grandpa decision. They just have to make up some stories and tell her and she will help them.

After some time they heard the doorbell. As soon as they heard the doorbell, Ryder asked everyone to make sad faces and everyone obeyed him without saying anything, after that they saw his grandmother coming, and on seeing her, Ryder went around to her and hugged her with a sad face. and said: Grandma, look, your husband wants to take that little girl away from all of us. look, look at her, she's so innocent. 

Valentina (their grandmother) first looked at the baby who was looking at her innocently, which made her heart melts then smiled at her softly and picked up her in her arms, and said: so you are that angel who melts my ice cube son's heart.

after hearing Valentina's voice, the baby starting giggled happily and clapped her little hands. Valentina smiles at the baby after seeing her reaction, forgetting what her Grandson just told her, but when she remembers, she makes a blank face and asks Ryder to call their grandfather and their dad, which Ryder did happily. 

On the other side, Alessandro becomes even more confused when he hears that his wife is here and she knows about the baby Because he remembers that he had not told anything to his wife about the baby, even when he came to know about it, he came here without saying anything to anyone. This thing is not known to anyone else in his family, who can tell all this to his wife, even the rest of his sons also don't know anything about this. he sighed and started going downstairs.

When he reached the living room, he saw that his wife was lovingly talking to the baby who was happily playing with his wife's hair. it makes his heart melt. he was just this beautiful moment when he saw his son enter the living room. he looks at his son and rolled his eyes at him then Giovanni stand beside his dad and said while looking at his mom: don't be too happy, Dad, don't forget that you just step away from getting your ass beating by Mom.

Alessandro rolled his eyes at him and started toward his wife and was about hug his wife when Valentina see him, she glared at him and asked him: Alessandro Rossi What am I hearing, Alessandro, how could you even think of sending this little angel away and May I know why the hell you didn't think it necessary to tell me about this baby when you found out, and you Giovanni how dare you to hide this angel from us

Alessandro glared at his grandson and said softly to his wife: who told you this, my love

Ryder said that you're sending this little angel away from them. she said while looking at her husband 

Alessandro glared at Ryder who looked away from his glare then he came to his wife and hold her hand with one hand while in his second hand, he held the baby's chubby cheeks then he look at his wife and said: I didn't say anything like this to these people. Your son was thinking of leaving this little angel to the orphanage for her safety, so I just said that if he doesn't want to keep this baby, I and you will adopt her, and I knew that You will like this little angel very much that's why I said this.

Alessandro was about to say something  else when Giovanni and his sons shout same time:

'no, you will not gonna adopt her because she's ours.'

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