
However, when her name was called she opened her eyes and turned to look at the ambassador.

The genie-like woman appraised her of what she knew... as well as giving praise for something that had far but left their minds. "I have heard from Principal Nezu of your... condition. To be honest, I was elated when I saw you win the festival. It is a shame that you are in the condition you're in. Is there anything we can do to help?"

She glanced outside the window, seeing Sebastian fly free next to the limo, and sighed. "The only thing, I think, is money for travel expenses, and perhaps a good winter jacket. My old one doesn't work..." The brunette then gestured to her new mutation, "...considering my wings."

The ambassador laughed quietly to herself. It was pleasant to hear, still affected by her unusual accent. "Of course. That can be easily arranged. I assume you need it streamlined for flight?"

"Yes." She nodded. Now was the time to mention why she was really here. "I need to go to Wuhan..."
That caught Shirubātan's attention. Quickly, the ambassador addressed the silent barrage of questions in the limo. After all, it was likely that Ochako had done the research before the trip. "Nobody is allowed into Wuhan. Not after the Coronavirus. They have the exclusion zone for a reason. I can explain it better when we get there."

"That... changes things..." Ochako thought aloud, while Izuku agreed. We'll need to get inside without anyone noticing. Fortunately, Sebastian can choose who can even notice his existence.

Yeah... but... what happens if we're caught?

A diplomatic incident at the least. Probably certain death at the worst.

Ugh, I hate this... but we have to.

After a 20 minute drive, they pulled into an open gate. The embassy building was old, built in the time before quirks. It was built in a European design, from when Singapore was controlled by the British, and was a nice looking building. The limo stopped by the entrance, and Taishi opened the door, and exited, holding it for her as Ochako awkwardly clambered out. Finally out of the restricting vehicle, she stretched her wings, and massaging a sore spot with her hands. "Finally here..."

"Sorry if the ride was... less than comfortable." The ambassador said, gesturing for her to follow. "As long as you are within the gate, you are in Japan. Legally speaking, of course."

Ochako checked behind her, and Sebastian was following right behind, not saying a word. He doesn't want to distract you, I think.

Well, that'll make things easier.

They entered an elevator, her pressing the button for the top floor. Shirubātan continued to speak when out of earshot of anyone else. "I can try to get you access to the exclusion zone, but that will take weeks of negotiations... and I'm afraid that it will be for nothing."

Izuku took the seat for the inquiry, knowing exactly what they wanted to know. "Well... is there a reason for the zone? I couldn't find anything about it..."

She sighed, finally reaching what seemed to be her office. Gesturing for her to sit, she explained as her guards closed the doors behind her. "The zone was established because of a... unnatural phenomenon. It's a dead zone. Animals who go there are found to become sick, the further in they go, and die. When the corpses are examined, they have been found with easily transmissible diseases, which make Corona look weak in comparison. Plants also are affected with all manner of blight, but they've been far more resilient."

Sebastian muttered when the ambassador paused, but still clear enough for the bonded souls to hear. "Yep. Sounds like Viraleur, alright. She can't exactly hide."

Taishi continued. "It is considered cursed land."

"How did you find out about that?" Izuku asked, her left eye shifting green yet again. "I can't imagine they'd just... tell you."

"We have a network of spies, which I am not allowed to tell you about. With something that potentially dangerous, we had to know as much as possible. Is there any way to convince you otherwise? I don't want you dying... You were my favorite student at the Sports Festival." It was clear that she was very concerned for her safety. 
"I'm dying either way, and I heard that there's a possible cure for my condition... I have to try. If I don't..." She shook her head, remembering Recovery Girl's words: We don't know which will fail first: your body, or your mind.

Don't get hung up on that. Izuku reminded her.

"I can't give up hope." Uraraka finished.

The ambassador's eyes softened in understanding. Smiling, she said, "I can get you to Hefei. I can arrange for an individual account of 519218.53 yuan, or 10,000,000 yen on a debit card. But... as soon as you enter the zone, I legally cannot help you. I hope you understand this. Not until you return here, to the embassy. I could, then get you home."

The two nodded in sync. "Thank you. That's all I ask."

The ambassador paused for a moment, before gesturing to them, "Go rest. Today's been... a lot, I'm sure. I will arrange things for you."

She nodded, then stood up. Turning to the door she entered, Ochako heard Taishi give an order to one of them. "Can one of you show her to her accommodations? One for a wing quirk, please."

The man on her right nodded. "I will." She was about to follow when the bluette called, "Uraraka..."
She turned, seeing a warm smile, as Shirubātan said one last thing to her before they left. "Welcome to China. Try to enjoy yourself while you're here."

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