"Thank you, Night," she said, snuggling in.

"I should be thanking you, trust me," he replied. "You are an incredible female."

"And you are a male of worth."

He doubted her words but kept it to himself. There was no need to remind her of his past, especially when he didn't know if he would have her again. He pushed the thought away and closed his eyes. Her breathing became steady and shallow, and it was only then that he, too, settled and fell asleep.

He woke to feel himself thickening into her hands, thrusting against her touch without conscious thought. "Tarra..."

"Shh. Let me, Night. Let me please you."

He sighed and leaned back, moaning when her warm mouth took him in, hardening him fully. He felt a pang of possessiveness when he had a passing thought about how many Brothers she must have serviced to have the skill she did. He felt no condemnation for her actions, only the desire to be the only one who could have her now.

She is not mine. While he knew it to be true, he also felt her eagerness to bring him, and he couldn't help but wish that, maybe, just maybe, things might be different.

She withdrew from him, frowning. "What's wrong? You've gone quiet. Am I not doing it right?"

He raised his head. "What? No! You're incredible. I simply don't deserve you."

She scowled and sat up, the mood gone. "You know, the self-debasement doesn't become you, Night."

"And yet, it is true. I do not—"

She scrambled out of bed, hunting for her discarded robe. "Do you think so little of me that you do not trust my choices? That, if I chose someone for myself, it's because I don't deserve better?"

"Wait... what? That's not what I said!" Night swung up to sit on the edge of the bed.

She yanked on her robe and whirled to face him. "Why would I choose someone I thought didn't deserve me? Why would I give myself to someone beneath me? You are implying that I am not capable of making a meaningful choice!" She waved her hands to accent her words, pacing as she did. "How is that not insulting?"

"Tarra! I—"

She chopped with her hand, cutting him off. "No. Just save it, Night. I don't want to hear any more," her voice cracked before she fled in tears.

Night was too shocked to pursue her. He scrubbed at his face with his hand. How did this get fucked up?

Knowing he'd never get back to sleep, he headed for the shower, spending enough time under the spray to prune his fingers. While he was getting dressed, a knock sounded at the door. His heart skipped a beat and he pulled it open, hoping to see her standing on the landing.

Instead, he found Phury. The Brother raised his hands. "I'm not mad, I just want to know what happened."

Night sighed. He crossed his arms and leaned on the door jamb. "I'm honestly not sure, Phury."

"Cormia said something about you not respecting Tarra's choices?"

"I never said that. I said that I didn't deserve her, and somehow that got twisted up into me not trusting her not to make good choices."

"Well, it's interesting logic, you have to admit. I'd keep your distance for a while."

"As if she'd want to see me anyway."

Phury raised an eyebrow before turning away. "We're having Last Meal in Hatrhed's office to plan our hunt. Come on."

He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on as he trailed behind the Primale. V, Hatrhed, Wilhelm, and Ace were looking over maps.

"We've got the trail cams up, and we've seen activity here," Wilhelm said, pointing, "here, and here."

Ave glanced up and smiled. "Hey, dad."

He grabbed Ace around the neck for a rough bro hug. "Hey yourself. You ready to go hunting?"

"You bet! We just got started."

"Ever hunt boar, Night?" Hatrhed asked, handing him a whisky. She cocked an eyebrow when he knocked it back.

He handed her the empty rocks glass. "In the Old Country. Don't have them in Alaska. Now, if you want bear..."

She gave a quick laugh while she poured. "Yeah, your grizzlies are bit bigger than South Carolina's black bear. Fortunately, we don't have much of a local bear population, so we won't have to worry about them." She passed the glass to him again, eyeing him.

He sipped, and she approved.

"So," Wilhelm continued, "feral pigs are most active just after sunset and just before dawn. That means we spend the day in the field. We've got some four-person covered deer stands out there. Not full cabins, but sufficient for a day's sleep."

Hatrhed chuckled. "When he says 'deer stand,' he really means 'treehouse.' No running water, electricity, or cell signal, but some comforts like cots and compostable toilets, all twenty-feet up the tree."

"Home away from home." Night grinned.

Wilhelm, all business, just nodded and continued. "We'll split up; Kyle with Night, Rhet, and Vishous. Phury, you're with me, Hatrhed, and Ace."

Night stiffened. "Rhet is coming?" He glanced at Ace. "Does he know we are?"

"Technically, I haven't invited him yet, but I'm pretty much going order him to come," Hatrhed explained. "Consider it to be a test-run for the training. If the three of you can make nice for a casual hunt, there might be hope for a formal setting when you have to work together."

Ace spoke up, looking from his dad to Hatrhed. "Is there a way that I can go with Rhet? I don't want to cause trouble, but..."

"I don't have a problem with it," Night offered.

Hatrhed sat on the edge of the table and swirled her liquor. "Are you sure? Rhet is not taking this whole situation well."

Ace nodded. "I know. I just think if we're in the same space, there's a greater likelihood he'll open up a little than if not."

"Good point. Okay," Hatrhed announced, "we'll switch Rhet and Phury."

Night squeezed Ace's shoulder. "He'll come around eventually. Just give him time."

"I won't push, I promise. I want us to get to know each other." He grinned. "I mean, I'm awesome! What's not to like?"

 "I mean, I'm awesome! What's not to like?"

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