Chapter 10

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Hatrhed looked up from the computer when the Brothers Vishous and Phury sauntered into the farm's enormous office she and Wilhelm shared. Both looked serious, with strong jaws and broad shoulders, but that's where the similarities gave out.

Phury sported long wavy hair, a mix of blonde, red, and brown, and walked with a slight limp. It didn't slow him down, though, and certainly didn't keep him from fighting. He'd been known to club a lesser a time or two with his prosthetic; it worked in a pinch. Hatrhed tried to avoid her mental comparison to Fabio, the Italian-American model who won over hearts with hair and physique but failed. Fortunately, she was immune to such things from males.

Vishous—V for short—on the other hand, had black hair as short as her own, kept long in the front to partially cover the Old Language script tattoo around his eye warning others of his curse. Those eyes, missing nothing, were like diamonds in contrast to Phury's golden irises. V apparently owned nothing but gym clothes and fighting gear. He's going to terrify my people, Hatrhed concluded, and rightly so; V was a walking death machine in black leather.

She clasped Phury's extended arm and leaned in for the bro hug, slapping him on the back. V, being V, didn't reach out, but she got "the nod," which was more than she expected. "Y'all have an okay trip?" she asked as she took her seat. They'd traveled the 700-plus miles between Caldwell, New York and Sumter, South Carolina overnight by dematerializing in hops.

"As good as expected," Phury said, looking around.

Ehmily, the estates head doggen, poked her head in the door. "Shall I bring you something? Drinks? Snacks?"

V eyed the bar off to one side, spying his favorite poison, Grey Goose vodka. "Nope, I'm good," he proclaimed. Hatrhed raised an eyebrow as he poured into the rocks tumbler. She'd expected him to just swig from the bottle like he did at home. Look at him, being all cultured and shit.

Phury was a little more couth. "I'd love some coffee." His eyes twinkled as he smiled at Ehmily. "And, if you have any, some of your banana pudding? Don't tell Fritz, but his doesn't quite measure up to yours."

Ehmily beamed. Complementing a doggen on food was one of the surefire ways of getting on their good side. "Of course! I made several pans in anticipation of your visit."

"Yeah, I could go for that," V added, changing his mind.

Phury snickered at him. Vishous' dislike of bananas was well known.

"What? So I like the pudding," V defended. "Get over it." He sipped as he chose a seat, sliding the bottle across the table to be close at hand. The chair at the head of the small conference table squeaked, then outright groaned, when V settled into it. He reached into his ever-present leather jacket to retrieve his cigarette case of hand-rolled Turkish tobacco coffin nails. He tucked one between his lips, squirred the case away, and slipped the business end of the roll under the lead-lined glove on his left hand to do his handy-glowy light-em-up thing.

He took a long drag, then exhaled as he threw his shitkickers up on the table and leaned back, getting comfortable. "So, what are we going to teach them?"

He and Phury had made the trip to begin their plans for the survival skills curriculum of the Brother's training program. The current class had come a long way with combat skills and tactics, not to mention weapons, but with most of them being recently transitioned and urbanized, they hadn't grown up needing to know how to start a fire, catch Last Meal, or stay alive as the sun tracked overhead. The farm's old-growth forest was the perfect territory to create a need-to-know situation.

Hatrhed dragged a satellite map of the farm and its associated land up onto the monitor. She leaned back on the table, grabbed V's tumbler of Goose, and knocked it back, just to annoy him. She was rewarded with a scowl as he simply poured again. They'd shared a bond ever since she'd topped him in a sadomasochistic scene to reset his crashing emotional state. She'd never come close to his bromance with Butch—as if anyone could—and she certainly wasn't gunning to replace his mate, Jane. What they had was different and a matter of deep respect.

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