Chapter 14

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It wasn't until Tarra touched Night's arm that he looked away from the group of medical professionals surrounding Rhet despite being dragged away by V.

"Night," she said gently, "we need to go."

He nodded, clearly at a loss. "Yeah. Okay."

She took his hand when V let go, then reached for Ace, needing to touch them to take them through the Sanctuary.

Hatrhed caressed Tristan's cheek, and he leaned into her touch. "Keep the bed warm for me," she murmured.

"Yes, Ma'am," he smiled, his eyes flashing. He, Hatred, and Nayah hadn't been bonded as a triad long enough for the honeymoon phase to have worked its way out of their systems. Hatrhed thought it'd take at least fifty years. Maybe more.

"Stay with Rhet," she murmured to Nayah. "Whatever he needs, he gets."

"Yes, of course," Nayah answered. "Be careful?"

Hatrhed smiled and kissed her gently. "Always."

She nodded to Phury when she stepped away from her mates. He nodded and took her shoulder; as Primale, he could move through the sanctuary when needed, though he didn't abuse the privilege.

Lassiter grinned and opened his arms wide to V, who immediately grabbed the angel by his boa-turned-garotte and dragged the angel, sputtering, toward the portal. He shoved the angel ahead of him, not needing the touch of anyone to travel through, what with being the son of the Scribe Virgin and all. Demigodhood had its perks. He just loathed them.

Another portal across the garden dumped them into the courtyard in the back of the Audience House, which sported Federalist architecture at its finest. Hatrhed remembered the last time she'd been at the place, requesting to check out the Brother's training program and lying through her teeth about who she was to the Blind King himself. To say a lot had happened in the last two months was an understatement; it wasn't an everyday affair to become a Brother and female Brother at that, much less after hiding from them for centuries. Ah. Good times, good times.

Tohrment straightened from his casual lean on the lamppost outside the rear entrance as they all approached the house, keeping his stance loose and ready. Hatrhed thought he did a decent, but not perfect, job hiding his surprise at Night's girth. The male was not fun-sized; none of the Brothers, not even she, was. It was a distinguishing trait, one that Night shared.

Wincing and rubbing a temple, Tohr studied Night intently. "I remember you!" Tohr exclaimed, loud and clear. "You were there when the lessers came for Wrath the Fair and Queen Ahna, and you helped track Wrath when he disappeared. Then you left, and we... forgot you."

Night stepped to him, alert now, and looked him up and down. "You are Hharm's son, Tohrment."

Tohr cocked an eyebrow, his deep blue gaze piercing. "Hharm is my sire, not my father."

Night nodded. "Yes, I remember that he disavowed you now. Darius took you in. A much better arrangement, I dare say."

V walked to Night's side. "We need to search you, clear?"

"Of course," Night agreed, holding out his arms and standing wide so they could pat him down.

When they finished, Tohr nodded toward Ace. "This your son?"

"One of two, yeah." He watched V and Phury repeat the search for weapons.

Tohr cocked an eyebrow. "Where's the other one?"

Night looked away. "Not here."

Tohr pursed his lips at the brush-off. "Well, you're both clean. Might as well come on in."

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