Chapter 5-2

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Yuqi's POV

"Shoyo-san! Who was that girl that you were talking to? Did you manage to get her number? She's cute. Maybe we can ask her to eat with us." I heard someone say. Shoyo? It was him and his friends. I did not really want to associate with the gang. I saw someone that was wearing a gas mask with large bags under his eyes and I felt that he was dangerous.

The sounds were coming from behind me so I hid in a place where I knew that they could not see me. I peeked out from behind the trees and saw that the group were setting up their tents to. Great. I thought. Who knew that they were going to take a camping trip too.

Some collected firewood as others took out food and cooking materials. I did not know what was going on but I could feel that it was slightly warmer at my spot now that they had started the fire. Maybe I could just stay here and go back to my tent when I felt sleepy.

Without realising, I was slowly drifting off to sleep. 

"Hey! Wake up!" I was roughly shaken awake. I opened my eyes and saw Shoyo squating beside me. I was still in a daze when I noticed the gas mask on his face. He handed me another. My gut told me to wear it so I slipped the mask on and followed him.

We reached my tent and crawled into the space. 

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice muffled because of the mask.

"I don't know. I was about to go to sleep when I heard muffled shouting outside my tent. Some people were saying that someone was going to bring out some kind of toxic gas. So I took the masks and was about to run away when I saw you, just sleeping there. What were you doing?" Shoyo explained quietly, as if he was afraid that the person that set out the gas would come and find us. 

"I heard ya'll when you came. I thought that you were some kind of bad guy. I made sure that I hid in the bushes. I didn't want to approach you guys. The fire was warm so I stayed." I mumbled.

I could hear footsteps from outside the tent, getting nearer by the second. I hushed Shoyo and motioned for him to listen. 

Suddenly, a knife blade sliced the back of the tent, inches away from me. I barely contained my scream as I fumbled with the zipper. When I finally opened it. I sprinted out of the tent and into the trees. I could feel someone following me from behind.

"Yuqi, slow down!" Shoyo panted as he struggle to keep up. He came to a stop, forcing me to stop too. "We have to move! That person will catch up!" I hurried him. He waved his hand at me while his entire body was bent over. He was panting, hard. 

"Are you alright?" I walked towards him, my voice hinted a sense of urgency. He stood up a little and turned his head. I followed his gaze and saw that the person was running towards us, again. Shoyo took off his mask. "GO!" He shouted at me and pushed me forward. 

He stumbled backwards. I bit back tears as I took off, again, into the forest. After a few moments, I could hear the sound of screaming coming from behind me, as if he was being tortured. I knew I could not stop. 

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