Chapter 30

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Nothing was ever easy. Not for ninja, at least. Sitting under the window of the Hokage's office every day in secret, listening to any information that came in, Mai waited to learn of one individual's whereabouts. But something else occurred that none expected. The death of the Sannin, Jiraiya. She expected Naruto's reaction as he was in shock upon hearing the news. Then there was denial at the fact that his own sensei and fatherly figure would never return. Blame followed swiftly behind in order to make Tsunade feel guilty about her actions in sending the man after the Akatsuki member, known as Pein, alone. The Genin left with the slam of the door.

Mai sat there for a few more hours, back leaning against the wood. It wasn't until the sun set that she finally left quietly. There was no news today once again.

She found the knucklehead wandering through the streets alone in a daze. Not acknowledging anyone nor having a set destination in mind. The teen found it easy to fall in step beside her teammate. It wasn't until Naruto was about to walk into the path of a moving cart that Mai revealed herself. A hand reached out to catch him.

"Huh, Mai?"

She offered a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," she commented.

The Genin glanced away when the Be Fong released him.

"Let's take a walk."

"I already was," he said.

"No, you weren't present. There's a difference."

For a moment there was a flicker of emotion that crossed his face, yet was gone in an instant. They walked in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable or tense. They were content with one another's presence.

"I know why you are unhappy," the Be Fong finally broke the silence.

Immediately his walls came up in defense, not wishing to say anything.

"It seems we've been losing quite a few people these last few days."

The comment made Naruto look in her direction. Still, Mai's expression was void of all emotion. Though to Naruto he saw something else. Pain. Mai was silently suffering. Always keeping what bothered her in, never expressing concerns to anyone. Even to those who were closer than others. In a way it troubled him to think the Be Fong thought she had to handle her matters alone.

"How did you deal with it?" he asked. "This... this pain? Keeping it all in?"

What a question to ask, but Mai understood his curiosity.

"It's a sad thing to say... but I've almost grown numb to it in some ways," the Be Fong answered truthfully. "Used to it. Ninjas are always dying on the battlefield. And those around me, well... they somehow always find a way to leave me. In my opinion, they have it easy."

The statement startled him. "Why would you say that?"

She looked him in the eye. "They no longer have to fight to survive. They are free to be at peace." Mai sighed, glancing up at the sky. "How I envy them..."

Finally, Naruto saw a glimpse of hopelessness in her face. As he thought, she was just as lost as him.

"You will find the answers you are searching for eventually, I'm sure. Despite the fact that right now all hope seems lost. When you don't understand where to go from here. But in a way... I guess it gets better."

"Has it... for you?" Naruto wondered.

"Not yet. But maybe one day things will finally work out."

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