Part One: The Heir to The Dukedom of Norfolk Territory

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Part One: The Heir to The Dukedom of Norfolk Territory

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is the youngest child and son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and he was born at Norfolk Estate in 2250.

When Lord Andrew Charles was not even one year old, his eldest brother, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III was married and before he turned three years old, his sister, Lady Patrica Eugenie was married, and before he turned seven years old, his second brother, Lord Patrick William II was married, and by the time he turned 13 years old, his favorite sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta was married.

But by the time that his older sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta was married in 2263, neither of his brothers had any children, and only his sister, Lady Patricia Charlene had two children, Lord Richard Neville and Lady Patricia Charlene Neville and they lived on Star Base 10.

By the time, Lord Andrew Charles turns 20 years old, Lady Charlotte Augusta has three children, Lord David Frederick Stafford and Lady Georgiana Augusta and Lord George Frederick Stafford and they live on Star Base 10 as well.

By 2270, neither Lord Charles Andrew Howard nor Lord Patrick William Howard II have any children, and Lord Andrew Charles Howard is twenty years old and he has been to several cotillions since 2268, 2269, and Lord Richard Edward Howard II and he are about to attend their third cotillion along with their second cousins, Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Thomas William Howard and their first cousin once removed, Lord Frederick William Howard III.

Every time they attend the cotillions neither Lord Andrew Charles, Lord Richard Edward II, are not interested in any of the young women that have been presented by their fathers.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is one of the most handsome young men on Star Base 12 next to his first cousin, Lord Richard Edward Howard II, and they still haven't found their brides.

All the young women bat their eye-lashes at them and they parade around in their fancy clothes and Lord Andrew Charles looks at his first cousin, Lord Richard Edward II and asks " I guess we are destined to be bachelors."

"With the choice of women on Star Base 12. I would rather remain a bachelor." Lord Richard Edward Howard II declares.

"My father can look to his two older sons to give him his precious grandchild." Lord Andrew Charles declares.

Lord Richard William Carey, Lord Frederick William Howard III and Lord Thomas William Howard declare the same thing and they look at each other and ask " Is this the best the fathers can give us."

It looks like all the Howard boys that were born in 2250 are destined to remain bachelors.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR looks at his three sons, first cousin, and his two first cousins removed, and he asks " I am waiting for all of you to get married."

"Father. Look to your two older sons to give you. Your precious grandchild. There hasn't been one woman at any of these cotillions that I would marry." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Do you see these women, father? " They parade around in their fancy clothes and bat their eye-lashes at us. Their father's seek a title for their daughters." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"It is not like we need their damn dowries. It is more like their father's are seeking a title for their daughters." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

By the year of 2272, on the USS Republic comes Post War Three Planet Earth, three young women headed for Star Base 12 and they will shake Star Base 12 up and they will change the course of Star Base 12 history and it will travel to Star Base 10 and onto Star Base 8.

If you think Lord Frederick William Howard and Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR were bad, meet Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

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