The Old Fashion Irish Girl

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The Old Fashion Irish Girl

Katherine Grace Kelly came from an Irish descendant family from the United States.

Patrick Kelly was from an Christian-Protestant Irish family and Bridget O'Neill came from a Christian-Catholic Family from Southern Ireland before their families immigrated to the United States where they could live in peace and harmony as Ireland since the reign of King Henry VIII had been divided like most of Europe between Christian Catholics and Protestants.

Patrick Kelly didn't want his family to be raised in such an environment, so he took his wife and they started their family in the United States.

They lived in a mixed neighborhood in New York City and he started his family in 2220, with a son, Edward who was born in 2225, and he married a young woman name Patricia Kennedy in 2245, but they had only one child in 2255, and her name was Katherine Grace Kelly

Katherine Grace Kelly was born after Post War Three Planet Earth in New York City and she went to school there until she lost her family to the long term side effects of radiation, and went to live with a aunt but the aunt couldn't take care of her so in 2270, she places her into the relocation Program started by the United Federation of Planets.

She was one of the 500 young war orphans just like Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and Susan Virginia Bell.

All three of them became good friends on board the USS Republic and during the journey they met Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley.

Katherine Grace Kelly was probably the most conservative one of the three and she wanted marriage before sex with her husband.

Lord David William Beck, the great-grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR was very the same way as Katherine Grace Kelly and he wanted the very same thing as Katherine Grace Kelly.

He wanted the very thing as Katherine Grace Kelly wanted and he was out of all the Howard males the most old fashioned and conservative.

Lord David William tells his cousin, " I want the same thing , Lord Andrew Charles. I want to marry before I make love to my wife."

"Katherine Grace Kelly is perfect for you, Lord David William Beck." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

"Katherine is very pretty. She has golden blonde hair, blue eyes and she will give you very handsome children, and your dear mother bless her soul and damn your father." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

Lord David William Beck journeys out to meet Katherine Grace Kelly at Madame's Valois boarding House and Katherine Grace Kelly meets Lord David William Beck.

They have a lot in common, and they share the same values, morals, and Lord David William Beck is love-struck with Katherine Grace Kelly.

Lord David William Beck explains to Katherine " I am the medical officer from Star-Base 12 and for Star-Fleet Academy. I live out at Elmhurst Estate, my great-grandfather brought it here when he arrived in 2190."

"I see." Katherine answers him.

"I have also inherited White-Hall Manor from my late mother." Lord David William explains "In due course of time I will inherit Chartley Manor."

"I am the Viscount of Elmhurst Estate through my great-grandfather. " Lord David William states, "You will become the Viscountess of Elmhurst Estate."

"How are you related to Lord Andrew Charles Howard?" Katherine asks.

"I am Lord Andrew Charles Howard first cousin once removed. My late mother was Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR third granddaughter." Lord David William tells her.

"I am Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR great-grandson." Lord David William explains.

"My grandfather was his youngest son." Lord David William tells her.

"My two second cousins are Lord Thomas William Howard and Lord Richard William Carey." Lord David William explains, "Lord Frederick William Howard III is my first cousin once removed through my grand-uncle, Lord Frederick William Howard II." Lord David William explains.

"Lord Richard Edward Howard II is my father' s nephew, and I am his first cousin once removed as well." Lord David William tells her.

"My grandmother was Countess of Essex Territory and I will become Earl of Essex Territory as my mother passed on the title to me." Lord David William explains.

"Lord David. I don't come from such a glamorous family. I am Irish through both my father and mother." Katherine states.

"I am a Christian but I don't adhere to any one particular denomination, as my great-great-grandfather left Ireland to avoid religious persecution from both sides and he and my great-great-grandmother boarded a ship from England and they arrived in New York City. " Katherine tells him.

"I believe in religious tolerance." Katherine tells him.

"Katherine. I am a Christo-Pagan. I believe in Jesus as my God and The Virgin Mary as my Goddess and I believe in The Pagan Sabbats and I celebrate Samhain, Yuletide, Christmas, Ostara, Easter, Beltane, Mabon, and Thanksgiving." Lord David explains.

"Karissa and Susan are both Norse Pagans." Katherine tells him.

"I don't know what kind Pagans, Lord Andrew Chalres and Lord Richard Edward II are." Lord David William explains.

"My great-great-great-grandfather was a Pagan as he left Christianity when Captain Archer told him that a group of Christians had been transported to some planet in 2153." Lord David William states.

"What Lord David William Beck? I read about it and 60 million people died immediately." Katherine explains.

"I am sure it is nothing but a fairy-tale." Katherine tells him.

"That is what my great-great-great-grandfather said along with my paternal great-great-great-grandfather." Lord David William tells her.

Lord David William Beck and Katherine Grace Kelly start to court each other and they are the first ones to start to court each other.

They don't get married until July of 2275, and they court each other for a year and half.

First Loves  Part OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora