Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck

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Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck was the eldest child of Lord David Edward William Beck and Lady Frances Devereux, Viscount and Viscountess of Elmhurst Estate.

Lady Frances Devereux was the granddaughter of Lord John Devereux who traveled with Lord Patrick William Howard in 2153.

Lady Frances Devereux was born in 2197 in the Earldom of Essex on Star Base 12.

Lord David Edward Christopher Beck was born in 2195, the same year of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and they were 1st cousins once removed to each other through Lord John Devereux and Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux who was Lord Frederick William Howard mother.

Lord Edward Devereux and Lord Frederick William Howard were both born in 2165, and he was married to Lady Dorothy Hastings in 2183 and Lady Frances was born in 2197.

Lord Edward Devereux has a son, Lord Stephen Devereux was born in 2185 and Lady Frances followed in 2197.

Lord David Edward Christopher Beck considered himself blessed that Lord Edward Devereux found him worthy enough to marry his daughter as she was the daughter of an Earl and he was only a Viscount.

Lord Edward Devereux didn't look so much for a title for his daughter, but a good and honorable match, and Lord David Edward Christopher Beck came with property, a title, and he accepted the generous dowry that Lord Edward was willing to give the man that married his daughter.

They were married in 2209 and in 2212, Lady Frances gave birth to their first child, a daughter, Lady Charlotte Augusta, to be followed by a son, Lord William David in 2215 and a second son, Lord David Edward Christopher in 2220.

Lady Charlotte Augusta was a renowned beauty in her time with dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, golden skin, and she was high spirited.

Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck was good friends with Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard, the sister of Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and his sister with the same name.

She was also good friends with Lord Richard Edward Howard and Lord Edwin William Beck who was the same age as her younger brother, Lord David Edward Christopher Beck II.

Lady Sophia Charlotte would often invite Lady Charlotte Augusta to Norfolk Estate and Lady Alexandra Elizabeth always made Lord David Edward Christopher and Lady Charlotte Augusta feel at home at Norfolk Estate.

Lord William David Beck was different. He was cold and distant and he was more like Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR. He was reserved and he followed protocol.

Lord Richard Edward Howard introduces Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck to his older brother, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR in 2225, and they seem to be enjoying each other's company , but they are always chaperoned and never left alone.

Over a period of time, the two became close to each other and Lord Charles Andrew JR falls in love with Lady Charlotte Augusta and Lady Charlotte Augusta falls in love with Lord Charles Andrew JR.

Lord Charles Andrew JR plans to announce to his father, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR that he plans to ask Lady Charlotte Augusta to marry him.

When Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his father of his intentions an argument breaks out between them and Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR tells his son in no specific terms " You may not marry Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck. You are the heir to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory, and she is only the daughter of a Viscount."

"I have nothing personally against the Beck's and Lord Beck is an honorable gentleman." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"You don't have the luxury of marrying to whom you want, Lord Charles Andrew JR. If you were not my oldest son. I would give you that option." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"Lord Richard Edward Howard is an option for Lord Beck if he so wishes it." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I have already found you a bride and Lord Robert Alexander Stuart and I have already signed the marriage contract between Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and you to marry in 2228." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I have nothing against Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck. She is very pretty and she is charming." Lord Charles Andrew SR tells his oldest son.

"Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck is not for you, and you are not for her." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I will explain to Lord Beck that he is free to ask Lord Richard Edward Howard for his daughter. They are the same age." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"Lady Patricia Eugenie is also their age, but she is the eldest child of the Duke of Lennox Territory and she is worthy to become your wife, Duchess and be the mother of my grandchildren." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"One day you will understand that oldest sons are never allowed to marry the women that they love." Lord Charles Andrew SR explains.

"You must forget Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck and move on, Lord Charles Andrew JR." Lord Charles Andrew SR tells his son.

"I will never forget Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck, father." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"I will marry Lady Stuart, but it doesn't mean I will consummate my marriage with her and in the end her father will agree to an annulment to our marriage for lack of consummation." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"If it is not too late, I will marry Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck, even if I have to wait until you are cold in your grave." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his father.

"It can't be too soon for me that my brothers and I carry your casket into the Howard Mausoleum. No one will cry for you when we lay you nine feet down." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lord Richard Edward, Lord Edwin William and I will celebrate on that day when we place you in the ground." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Odin forbid that I will ever be like my grandfather and you." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck that he and she can't marry as he is already contracted in marriage with Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

"Lady Charlotte Augusta. Tell your father that my brother is worthy." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

"I like Lord Richard Edward, but it is you that I love Lord Charles Andrew JR." Lady Sophia Charlotte tells him.

"I love you too, Lady Charlotte Augusta. " Lord Charles Andrew JR states. "I am to marry the daughter of the Duke of Lennox Territory in 2228." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"I would be selfish to ask you to wait for me to get out of this marriage with Lady Stuart." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"It might take years and then you would lose your chances of having any children." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

"I don't deny you. Your chance of having any children." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"I will always love you, Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck and you will live in my heart forever." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

"I will never forget you and what you mean to me." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her and with that two heart broken young people depart from each other. 

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