Viscount William David Beck

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Lord William David Beck is the eldest son of Lord David Edward Christopher Beck and he was born in 2215 and he is expected to succeed to the Viscountcy of Elmhurst Estate in Wessex Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord William Beck is reserved, very formal, stands on ceremony, he is cold, calas, and indifferent, and he is not as popular as his father, Lord David Edward Christopher Howard, and he is not as popular as his younger brother, Lord David Edward Christopher Beck who was born in 2220.

Lord David William Beck was born in the same year as Lord Edwin William Howard, the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and his father starts to look for a bride for his son, and he turns to Lord Charles Andrew SR for the hand of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who was born in 2215.

When Lord David Edward Christopher Beck approaches Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR for the hand of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR looks at Lord David Edward Christopher Beck and he tells him in the drawing room of Norfolk Estate " Lord Beck. I have nothing against your family and you. "

"Lady Sophia Charlotte must marry according to her rank. She must marry a son of a Duke and not below the rank of an Earl. " Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I assured you, one of The Barons or Earls here on Star Base 12, have worthy daughters for your son to marry." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I only have one daughter and I wish to see her marry well and be happy. I don't see that in your son. Do you know that your son has been to the brothels here on Star Base 12 and paying the ladies of the evening for their services?" Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

'The man that marries my daughter must be faithful to her and treat her well.' Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"My future son-in-law must be of a good character and or moral standing." Lord Charles Andrew SR states " As you are Lord Beck, but your son is a whoremonger, womanizer, and he already visits the brothels."

"Now if the other fathers find out what I know. They will not let their daughters how old or young, marry such a man with repudiation." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"There is not a man on Star Base 12 that will want to see his daughters hurt by such a man." Lord Charles Andrew SR states "Such a marriage would bring war between the lords and we don't want The United Federation of Planets to come in and establish their own government over a war started by the lords here on Star-Base 12." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"I recommend you straighten up your heir to your Viscountcy and tell him to stop visiting the brothels." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"He needs to be more discreet with his infidelities and all." Lord Charles Andrew SR tells Lord David Edward Christopher Beck.

"I know it is normal for a man to take a mistress, but what is not normal is to let all of society find out about it." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"Some fathers want to make sure that their daughters are happy and married well." Lord Charles Andrew SR states "They come with good dowries and if the father can prove that the man cheated on his daughter during the course of their marriage. The marriage will be dissolved and the dowry returned to her father." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

"Return to your Viscountcy and straight up your son and tell him to straight up himself and maybe he will find a father who might be willing to marry his second daughter, but not his oldest daughter." Lord Charles Andrew SR states.

Lord David Edward Christopher Beck bows to Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and he returns to Elmhurst Estate and he confronts his son, Lord David William " Is it true that you are visiting the brothels here on Star Base 12?"

"Father. It is normal for young men to visit the brothels here on Star Base 12." Lord William states.

"It is normal if it is going to cause me trouble finding you a bride, Lord William David." Lord David Edward Christopher Beck. states.

"You are ruining your reputation by visiting these women who you paid to entertain you." Lord David Edward Christopher tells his son.

"I was hoping to contract a marriage with Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR, for the hand of his daughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte, but it was declined." Lord David Edward Christopher states.

"She would have brought a good dowry with her and she would have made a fine daughter-in-law." Lord Edward David Christopher states.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR told me that very few fathers would marry their eldest daughters to you, as they fear you might be unfaithful to their daughters and they could sue for breach of affection if you cheated on their daughters and I would have to return their dowries." Lord David Edward Christopher states.

"The best I can do is contract a marriage for you with a daughter of an earl that is natural and born out of wedlock but her father has accepted her as his child." Lord David Edward Christopher states.

"No Lord is going to allow their legally begotten daughters to marry a man that can't be faithful and or to say the least be discreet." Lord David Edward Christopher tells him.

"I hear that Lord Robert Alexander Stuart has several natural children and one is a daughter, Lady Madeline Stuart." Lord David Edward Christopher states.

"Lady Madeline Stuart was born in 2218 and she is two years younger than you and she is pretty and I am sure that Lord Stuart and I can agree to the marriage." Lord David Edward Christopher explains.

"You need to straighten up and settle down." Lord David Edward Christopher states.

"You need to marry and start a family." Lord Edward David Christopher states.

"The Stuart's are known for their beautiful daughters." Lord David Edward Christopher states " Don't take a mistress when you marry. Lord Stuart will get me for the breach of affection."

"My son. We need the dowry." Lord David Edward Christopher explains." How do you think I have kept Elmhurst Estate when I married your mother, Lady France Devereux. "

Lord Robert Alexander Stuart agrees for Lord William David Beck to marry his natural daughter, Lady Madeline and he sends with her a handsome dowry when they marry and she brings with her the Stuart blood even though it through the wrong side of the blanket.

Lord William David Beck and Lady Madeline Stuart marry in 2243 and in 2244 they have a son, Lord David William Beck II and one year later, Lord Edwin William Howard marries the great-granddaughter of Lord Edward Devereux, Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux and in 2245 they have a daughter, Lady Katherine Eliza Howard.

Lord David William and Lady Madeline had a second son, Lord David Edward Christopher Howard III in 2247.

By this time, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR is dead and his son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is Duke of Norfolk Territory and he has three four children, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, Lady Patricia Charlene, Lord Patrick Willliam II and Lady Charlotte Augusta named for Lord David William Beck sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta.

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