Chapter Five

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A/N Ohkay! here's a prompt that has been sent it :)

"harry gets in trouble for playing videogames instead of cleaning his room and cusses and gets spanking like REAL bad...."

Now. on with the chapter!

Harry's POV*

I woke up this in an awesome mood! It's Saturday which means no school! I climbed out of bed, running over to my TV quickly turning it on and grabbed one of my cordless PS3 controllers and plopped on the floor. I watched as Grand Theft Auto started to play. That's where I sat until noon. I mean, who wouldn't?! It's Saturday and there's no school.

I heard my bedroom door creak open and I looked up and seen my dad enter my room, tripping over a shoe. He glared angrily at me.

"Harold! Turn that game off and clean this room!" He demanded, coming and turning my PS3 off.

"Hey! I didn't save!" I yelled, angrily glaring back at him.

"I don't care if you didn't save! This room will get cleaned and it'll get cleaned now!" And without another word, he walked out of my room, shutting my door behind him.

I glared at my closed door before turning my PS3back on, resuming my game.


I lost track of time and my door creaked open again.

"Harry din- Harold Edward Payne! Didn't I tell you to get this room cleaned?!" My angry dad yelled causing me to flinch but quickly stood my ground.

"It's Saturday and I don't have school so I'm not gonna fucking work because I work all week at school! Now get out of my room!" I screamed as his eyes darkened and he stomped over to me shutting my game off for the second time.

He yanked me off the floor by my arm as he slapped my pajama covered bottom making my knees wobble as I stood there trying to dodge his hand, failing miserably.

He stopped, dragging me over to my bed, sitting down and standing me between his legs, untying my pajamas. "No! Daddy please let me keep them up!" I whimpered as he yanked them down them down, my boxers following quickly behind them.

"You should have thought about that when I came in and told you to clean your room at noon!" He stated before yanking me over his knee slamming his hand down in the middle of my bum harshly causing me jerk forward at the sudden contact. I felt his hand slam down on my bum again a little harder. I yelped, burying my head in his leg tying to hold back the tears. He slammed his hand on my thighs and an unwilling sob left my lips.

He continued, rapidly slapping my bum, making sure he gets all of it. He stopped briefly, Lifting me up, laying me across my bed as he fiddled with his belt, quickly sliding it through the loops and setting it on the bed. He grabbed my pillow,lifting me up slightly as he slid it under my hips before picking the belt up, doubling it over.

"N-no d-daddy please? I'm s-s-sorry!" I cried, staring at the belt with fear. He ignored me, slamming the belt on my butt causing me to shriek, gripping the sheets tightly to prevent myself from reaching back.

"Why are you in this position, Harry?" He asked, slamming the belt down a few more times. I sobbed in pain.

"I-I d-d-didn't listen t-to y-you a-and p-played my PS3 a-all d-day! D-daddy I-I'm sorry!" I choked out, kicking my legs on the bed, my bum feeling like it's on fire.

"What else did you do Harry?" He asked casually, the belt falling on my bum again.

"I c-cussed at y-you!" I cried, not being able to take anymore, my hand flying back to protect my throbbing bottom but instantly regretted it as the belt smacked my hand harshly.

"You keep those hands up there Harold!" He snapped as I kissed my throbbing knuckles

"D-daddy please! I-I'm sorry!" I cried. He sighed.

"You're almost done, Harry. Ten more." My dad whispered, quickly finishing up and sitting on my bed, rubbing my back softly.

He scooped me into his arms, sitting me in his lap and wrapping his arms around my thin waist as he rocked me back an forth.

"I-I'm s-sorry daddy..." I silently cried into his chest as he rubbed my back.

"Harry look at me." He whispered, tilting my chin up. "You're grounded for two weeks. You will lose your PS3 for two weeks an that will give you plenty of time to get this pigsty cleaned." He informed motioning to the clothes and toys spread across my bedroom floor.

"Yes sir.." I nodded sadly. I rested my head on his shoulder, sniffling slightly. "I love you, daddy.."

"I love you too, son" He said, standing me up, helping me into my boxers. I hissed in pain as they made contact with my bruised bum. "C'mon, dinners ready."

He took my small hand in his, leading me down the stairs and into the kitchen. Today wasn't the best day for me.


I'm still accepting prompts so, please feel free to send your ideas! And I'm still needing a cover made for this story along with my other 'Handful Of Joy spank'!





Shyanne :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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