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Liam's POV*

I looked down as I watched my loving wife snuggle closer into my chest. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to wake her but I knew I had to. It's already six in the morning and she needs to be to work at seven. I took a deep breath, gently shaking her. I watched as her eyes fluttered open as she smiled up at me.

"Good morning, honey." I whispered, leaning down, pressing my lips against hers.

Good morning, Liam." She said sitting up. "Are the boys up for school yet?" She questioned but I shook my head.

"No but I'll wake them up now." I replyed, sitting up and getting out of the bed.

I slowly walked down the hall, entering Louis and Nialls bedroom first. I smiled at the sight I saw. Niall was in Louis bed with Zayn snuggled in between the two of them. I pulled out my phone, snapping a picture before gently shaking Niall awake.

His eyes shot open as he looked at up at me, yawning and crawling out of bed.

"G'morning dad..." The fourteen year old mumbled letting out another yawn. I smiled.

Shortly after I had married Ashley, Niall and I had formed a bond. Not just any bond but one that he'd missed out on his whole life. A fatherly bond.

"Downstairs in ten." I stated before picking up the small toddler and waking up Louis.

I walked across the hall into Harry's bedroom seeing Ashley sitting on the edge of his bed, a frusterated look slowly making its way to her face as she struggled to wake to eleven year old up.

"Here," I whispered, handing Zayn to Ashley. "I got him."

She nodded pecking my lips before exiting the room with the toddler.

"Harry, you have five seconds to get you ass out of bed before I beat it!" I stated, yanking the covers off of him.

"No! Go away!" He growled, covering his head with the pillow.

"One..... Two... Three.... Three and three quarters.... Four... Harry this is your last chance or you'll have a hard time sitting at school!" I warned, earning a low growl.

"I don't care leave me the hell alone dad!" He grumbled, rolling over on his stomach.

I felt my blood boil as I yanked Harry up outta bed and sat down. I pulled him over my knee, positioning him so I had easy access to his upturned bottom.

"N-no daddy! I'm sorry!" He whimpered, kicking his legs.

"It's to late for that Harry!" I stated, pulling his pajama pants and boxers down around his ankles.

Grabbing the hairbrush off the stand next to the bed, I rested it on his bar bum.

"Do you know why your getting a spanking this morning?" I questioned, earning a nod.

"Verbal answer Harry!" I lectured, slamming the brush down on his thighs with each word.

"Y-yes sir!" He squeaked as I slammed the brush down again.

"Hmmm and why are you getting this spanking?" I pushed the subject as I continued the spanking.

"B-because I cussed at you... I'm sorry daddy!" He cried, gripping my pajama pants.

"Then why did you?!" I raised my voice, slamming the hairbrush down harder as u watched his previous pale bottom turn pink.

"I don't know daddy! Please stop!" He started to sob, soaking my pajamas.

"I'll stop when I feel you've learned your lesson, Harold!" I lectured, moving on to his sit spots causing him to cry out with each swat.

"Please, d-daddy! I p-promise I learned my lesson!" He pleaded but I only tuned him out.

I landed a harsh swat to his left thigh causing his hand to shoot back in attempts to protect his now fiery bottom. That only pissed me off more.

I snatched his hand, pinning it to his back as I locked his legs with mine.

"Harold Edward! You do not reach back! You joke better than that shit!" I lectured, swatting his upturned bottom a few more times.

It broke my heart to see Harry in this position but if I didn't do this then he'd never learn.

"Are we gonna have this problem again?" I questioned, looking down at the eleven year old.

"N-no sir!" He stuttered, I nodded.

"You've got ten more Harry, and I want you to count then." I whispered, waiting for him to answer.

He only nodded.

Smack! "One..."

Smack! "Two....."

Smack! "T-threeee!"

Smack! "Four... Dadddyyy pleaseeee!"

Smack! "Five..."

Smack! "Siixxxxx, p-please stop..."

Smack! "S-seveeeeeen!"

Smack! "E-eight!"

Smack! "N-n-nine daddy ple-please n-no more!"

Smack! "TEN!"

I quickly dropped the hairbrush bringing Harry into my arms careful of his sore bottom.

"I-I'm sooo s-sorry daddy!" He choked, gripping my shirt tightly.

"Shh, sweety, it's okay now. It's all forgiven." I whispered, pulling away from the hug. "Next time you pull a stunt like that I will pull you back over my knee and make this spanking feel like a love tap! Understood?!" I sai sternly.

He nodded his head as I stood him up, helping him out of his pajama pants an pulling up his boxers.

"Go get dressed and wash your face. Be downstairs in ten minutes." I stated, standing up and walking towards the door.

"I love you daddy.." Harry called after me.

"I love you too son." I smiled.


Heyy guys! Hope you like ittt :) I've just got a few announcements! Like I said before this is in fact my first every story so I hope it had enough details. And I do accept promts so please feel free to leave your oppinions in the comments or you can message them to me. I take all prompts but I refuse to do any spankings that consist of Liam and Ashley. They are 'spankers' not 'spankees'.

Also! I am considering doing a cover contest for this story. Whoever makes the best coverphoto for this I will dedicate a chapter to. You can email it to me at

Thanks guys!

Lots of Love, Shyanne 💋

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