Chapter Three

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Ashley's POV*

Ever since Zayn had woken up he'd seemed really off. He just isn't himself today.

It started at breakfast. He wanted ice cream and we all know, ice cream is not breakfast. So instead, he got fruit loops. That kicked in a tantrum and he threw is bowl across the room.

As the day pushed forward, his attitude progressed and he was currently cussing at me.

God, I hate being home alone but Liam's at work and I know he's making money to support me and the boys; which I'm grateful for. But it seems like Zayn only acts up when 'daddy' isn't here.

I glanced down at the screaming toddler who had just scribbled on the white living room walls. He was suppose to be in timeout but decided he was going to throw a tantrum instead.

I've tried all day to avoid spanking him but when worse comes to worse he really deserves a spanking.

"Me don't wana stay in da corner!" He screamed, tears running down his face as he lied on the floe kicking his legs. I sighed knowing what needed to be done.

Walking over, I picked the crabby three year old up, throwing him over my shoulder as I walked towards the couch with him pounding away at my back.

Finally reaching the couch, I sat down piling him over my knee. Pulling his pants down, along with his pull-up I landed a medium smack to his tiny, bare bottom.

I continued for two minutes, trying to hold back my tears as I listened to the three year olds uncontrollable sobs. It breaks my heart to do this but I know it needs to be done.

I finally lost it as I quickly pulled the young boy into my lap rocking him back and forth.

"Zayn, baby, shh. You're gonna make yourself sick." I soothed as his breaking slowly turned back to normal.

I smiled as I watched the toddler rest his head on my shoulder, sticking his thumb in his mouth as his eyes started to droop.

I slowly stood up, carrying Zayn into the nursery, laying him in his toddler bed and kissed his forehead.

"I love you baby boy." I whispered turning out the lights and heading back downstairs.


Hello again! I know some of you might like to know what Ashley looks like soooo there's a picture of her in the side bar :) sorry guys, but... The Hunger Games is my number one so Jennifer Lawrence *Katniss Everdeen* shall play Ashley :)

Also! Who else is dying to see The Hunger Games : Mocking Jay part 2 in November?! The ending to the third movie absolutely SUCKED!

I feel like this chapter was complete crap. It was horrible!


Vote&&Comment :)

Lots of Love, Shyanne💋

Tough Love *1D Spanking*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن