Chapter Four

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Liam's POV*

I had gotten home from shopping a little earlier than planned. I turned the doorknob, opening the door to be met with silence.

"Louis, come help with the groceries!" I hollered up the stairs, waiting for him to reply.


So, I went of a hunt. I searched the bathrooms, kitchen and backyard but there was no sign of him.

I made my way up the stairs to his bedroom door. It was slightly cracked so me being the typical nosy parent I am, I peeked in.

I was furious with what I'd saw.

Louis' POV*

I was upstairs with my knew girlfriend, Alana. I have at least two hours before dad came home and about three before Ashley came home with Niall, Harry, and Zayn.

I turned to look at Alana, smiling. I was to lucky. She was beyond perfect.

Slowly making my way to her, I sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling her into my lap as I cupped her face, kissing her passionately.

I felt her tiny hands grip the hem of my shirt, slowly puling it up. And let me tell you... I'm nervous as fuck! This is my first time doing anything and honestly, I'm not really sure if I know what to do.

I lifted her shirt over her head, barely breaking the kiss.

That's when my whole world crashed and burned.

"Louis William Payne! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" My angry dad shouted causing me to jump.


Im so dead!

"D-dad, I-" wow, very manly Louis!

"I don't wanna hear it Louis!" He shouted, turning to Alana. "I think it'd be best for you to leave."

She nodded slowly, slipping on her shirt before sliding past my dad.

It was silent for a few minutes before my dad spoke up.

"I leave you alone for thirty minutes and you almost have sex! Louis you are sixteen years old! Are you ready to raise a fucking baby?!" He shouted causing me to shrink back.

"N-no sir! I-I'm sorry, dad, please don't spank me!" I whimpered guiltily.

"I don't wanna hear it, Louis. Go get the groceries out of the car!" And with that, he disappeared down the hall.

I sighed knowing that eventually my ass would be murdered so I sulked down the stairs to retrieve the groceries from the car.

I finally got to the last bag and was on my way to the kitchen with it. Once I set the bag down, I kid you not, I was bent over the counter with my trousers around my ankles. Thank Jesus my boxers aren't with them.

I felt my dads large hand slam down in the middle of my bum, causing me to jerk forward to the sudden contact.

I bit my lip to avoid any noises from escaping. The spanking continued until finally, it stopped. That was the longest three minutes of my life. Yes, the spanking was three minutes long.

Or at least I thought..

The next thing I knew was my boxers soon joined my trousers around my ankles and something hard and solid landed on my fiery bottom with much force.

"Ow! Fuck dad, what was that?!" I cursed, immediately regretting it as he said his next words.

"You've just earned yourself ten more! You're also grounded and you'll no longer be aloud to be home when nobody else is here!" He lectured, never pausing the spanking. "And it's a wooden spoon! Now hold still because I'm not done tanning this naughty bottom of your!"

"N-no! Daddy stop! Please! I-I'm sorry!" I sobbed, falling limp over the kitchen counter, soaking it with my tears.

"Is this going to happen again?!" He questioned, slowing down a tad.

"N-no sir! I promise!" I cried, squirming.

He finally let me up, and I immediately went in for a hug but he denied it, pointing to the other side of the room.

"Corner!" He demanded. I sighed but nodded.

*ten minutes later*

"Louis." I heard my dad from the other side of the kitchen.

I turned around slowly, rubbing my eyes with my fists.

He walked closer to me, opening his arms as I collapsed in them.

"Daddy I-" I was cut off.

"Shh, honey. It's okay. Your forgiven." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"I-I love you daddy." I whispered cuddling into his chest as we stood in the middle of the kitchen.

"I love you too, Lou."

"Group hug!" I heard the familiar Irish accent before four more body's wrapped there arms around me and my dad causing me to flinch.


Hey guys! I'm sorta running outta topics :( I've got about three left! My main issue is topics for Zayn spankings. He's three and I don't know what to write for him. So if you'd please please please send me topics. I don't care if there on Louis, or Harry, or Niall, or Zayn. I could use any ideas that are given.

Tough Love *1D Spanking*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora