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Robot sliced through the door of the Jupiter and it fell off its hinges with a bang. John coughed a little from the smoke as Robot ducked under the door frame. Shadow peeked around and spotted Maureen holding a wrench.

"Oh, thank God!" gasped Maureen.

"Sorry, the door was jammed shut," said John roughly. "So the, uh, the robot had to, uh-"

"No, I'm just glad it's you," said Maureen. She pulled her husband into a hug and Scarecrow looked over at Shadow. She laughed and hugged him too.

"Jealous much?" she chuckled.

"...What happened here?" asked Penny slowly, eyeing the weird goop dripping off the walls. "Looks like everything is covered in snot."

"No, it's saliva. Maybe bile. We were swallowed by a subterranean alien organism," explained Judy.


"Okay, how long until we launch?" asked John.

"Uh, we have a few more repairs to make before we're flight-worthy," stuttered Maureen.

"How long until the four-armed nightmare machines figure out where we are?" asked Penny. Scarecrow looked terminally offended.

"Nightmare machines?" he retorted.

"Well, the longer we're ghosts, the better our odds, so we run cold," replied John. "No power. The first time those robots know where we are better be the moment we punch a hole in the sky."

"Okay. Everyone, flight assignments, for hopefully the last time. Penny-" said Maureen.

"I know, I know. You replace the OGS filters, which are probably clogged with something disgusting," interrupted Penny.

"Oh yeah, and toxic," added Judy. "Don't touch it with your hands. I have gloves for us."

"Us? You mean I don't have to do the most disgusting job on the ship by myself?" asked Penny with mock incredulousness.

"Well, no. Robinsons stick together."


"Do they?" asked Smith.

"Smith, I need help in the garage. We need to restore airflow to the ventilation system if you wanna breathe when we get back into space."

"Happy to help. I love breathing," said Smith sarcastically.

"Robot, Scarecrow, Shadow. I need you to seal the hub roof panels, all three of you have fire hands, I assume," said Maureen. "Can you do that?"

"On it!"

"Hey, Will, let's get up top. See if we can get eyes on Don."


"Hey!" said Maureen sharply. "We're gonna make it. Together," she added.

"Yeah... together."


"Anyone have an extra left boot?" called Don, wobbling into the HUB. "Anyone? I'll take a sneaker, but I'd prefer a boot for symmetry."

"Is that Don? Don?"

Penny came running and Scarecrow tramped behind Shadow.


"Hey!" called Shadow.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Don!" said Will.

"Hey, Penny!"

"Oh! Sweaty. It's okay, actually," said Penny.

"Hey, Debbie!" cooed Will, and Penny reached out to pet her head.

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